
Clannad (Blu Ray)

Clannad (BD)

Update: The BDMV has been put on torrent, and I am downloading right now. It will take a week or so, as it is 173 GBs lol.

Like Kanon, I will release Clannad in 3 sizes: 1080p, 720p and 480p. The plan is:
1080p: h264 + FLAC 5.1 (~1 GB)
720p: h264 + AAC 5.1 (~400 MB)
480p: XviD + MP3 2.0 (~300 MB)

Ordered chapters: None. (Download Coalgirls if you want OC)
Softsubbed karaoke. (Identical to Kanon karaoke)

212 comments to Clannad (BD)

  • Arrnea

    Do want 720p FLAC, assuming TheWingless is correct when he says that the Blurays come with 5.1 PCM.

    Neither here nor there on karaoke, but simpler softsubs are probably the better way to go.

  • “I agree that the 720p should use AAC audio. Also, I vote for simple softsubs for the OP/ED.” <- this
    This way there will be 480p for DVD Player watchers. 720p for those who just want to watch it in HD and 1080p for those who want as much quality as possible (both video and audio).
    And yes, video should be always untouched (except 480p of course).

  • mc

    prettier kareoke subs pl0x

  • Soukyuu

    Softsubbed+ordered chapters (at least for the 1080p release), please. The OP+ED are identical for all episodes anyway and you can save quite a bit of HDD space this way.

    Any decent player/splitter should have no problem with ordered chapters anyway.

    If you decide to not use ordered chapters, at least don’t hardsub anything, please

  • Stef-san

    you are awesome 🙂 do whatever you want. I still love your ideas^^

  • Stef-san

    sry for double post but I think ppl who still use avi and even for clannad… hmm.. no comment! xD I think you shouldnt release it in avi codec 😉 its waste and most ppl already wachted clannad. Doesn’t make sense to watch it again in br with avi o.o

  • From your answer earlier, OK. I think around 1 GB per episode is fine. I also have noticed Kanon BD release around that size is acceptable. I’m so happy doki will sub BD version of Clannad. By the way when BD Clannad released, if you notice something different or just minor upgrade please give some information.

    I mean like Evangelion 2.0 get some improvement in 2.22.

  • TheWingless

    How about different versions of the OP and ED. MKV supports different versions right? I saw this with Chihiro’s release of Haruhi (2009) on DVD and it had one hard subbed and one soft subs and you could change versions in MPC. Although people would have to switch versions and you would have to do more work, at least it’ll have both.

    Really though, I might prefer going with the Kanon soft subbed kareoke you did though.

  • Z

    why not ask Thora group to help with BD release? they’ve seem to be doing most of them, no? and wouldn’t that free you up for other fansub anime.

    Because I love Clannad.

  • Holo

    Actually, on the BD there are 3 audio formats. ALL of them are lossless.

    1. PCM 5.1
    2. DTS-HDMA 5.1
    3. PCM 2.0

    I transcode the PCM 5.1 (lossless) to FLAC 5.1 (lossless)

  • Oral-B

    AAC for the 720p please… Those who want top quality will get the 1080p anyway, so FLAC only makes sense in these.

    And softsubs for the OP/ED 🙂

  • Anonymous

    The choice is between pretty karaoke effects and pretty, unscathed CLANNAD in delicious blu-ray.

    I think the choice is obvious. Don’t butcher the video with hardsubbed anything.

  • anonqwerty

    If that’s true, Holo, then you should use the PCM 2.0 with the 720p version because most of those who would get the 720p version and people with PCs and laptops (most of which supports stereo only). If you use 5.1 with 720p, then there are 2 possibilities:

    1-Bad players will play only 2 channels of the 5.1.
    2-Good players will downmix the 5.1 to 2, which sometimes results in some sort of echoing in the background.

    Those with big rigs and Home Cinema sets will download the 1080p version anyway, which has 5.1.

  • NightGaunt

    *voting for 720p with FLAC 5.1*

  • Uwe

    Softsubbed karaoke please.
    I’d even vote for an additional track without any karaoke at all.

  • H@rrison

    My vote is to:
    1- Softsubbed Karaoke (Like Kanon).
    2- FLAC 5.1 to 1080p.
    3- AAC is a good option to 720p release, cuz AC3 sucks!
    4- And Ordered Linked Chapters, cuz It’ll allow more bitrate for each episode, well I think so!

    Whatever you do, I believe It’ll be awesome xD!

    Men, I think I gonna buy a new HD, cuz from 3.5 TB that I had, only 50 GB is free now. I’m in red numbers.

    I forgot it, there will be BD versions for both of CLANNAD seasons?

    Thanks a Lot for the answer.

  • fruant

    +1 to AAC on 720p. Don’t want to waste space on lossless audio.

  • Tan

    hardsub karaoke nigga 😛

  • CBR

    +1 AAC with 2 channels for 720p. It’s just a waste of space when most people don’t have equipment to allow then to notice any difference with the flac 5.1.

  • DeathReaper

    Flac is just a waste of space
    Not many people have a good enough sound system to enjoy the difference between Flac and PCM 5.1 or DTS (There is no difference between these 3. All are lossless)
    For me PCM 5.1 or DTS is goo enough ,and my ps3 media server dosent like flac have to remux PCM 5.1 to avoid desynchronized sound.

  • OoP

    Karaoke: hardsubbed is awesome. It looks great, and I actually sing along to it. As someone else suggested above, “purists” can get raws and just load an external script if the karaoke bugs them; however, the reverse is not true for those who prefer animated karaoke. (At least, not without a lot of work).

    Sound: AAC (or AC3, not really picky) for 720p. It isn’t -quite- as good quality as FLAC, but it won’t cause desynchronised sound, and it definitely serves its purpose (and well). Shrinking file sizes for 720p is also a great side-effect.

    Thanks for taking comments/discussion on the CLANNAD subbing – I can’t wait to watch it again, this time in HD! 😀

  • Bisou

    Yeah Lets fuck the purist, they can just download 1GB file to get the script and another 1GB for the raw, KARAOKE IS BULLSHIT – JPOP IS BULLSHIT – And overall music tastes in here doesn’t require any comment

  • Eri

    “Softsubbed karaoke please. I’d even vote for an additional track without any karaoke at all.”


    “Don’t butcher the video with hardsubbed anything.”


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