Basically, my old hosts suck, got their servers hacked or something, and took everything down. It’s not the first time they’ve been down either, so I have decided to ditch them and got another server to host the blog. The cost/month is pretty much the same anyway. Hopefully they haven’t lost all my data, and I’ll restore old posts soon.
glad to hear it. was wondering where you guys were lol well, hope to see your most recent releases up and running soon. thanks for all your hard work Doki!
Cool Banana’s~
as long as your clannad banner stay’s intact… i’ll..
oh noes… i hope that they dont lost ur data.
this sub rox! continue the great work!
Seikon no Qwaser, please!
and thanks for coming back
Awesome! You’re back!!! :D!
yOU guys are back in action!!!
Good work on subbing “Mayoi neko overrun”!!
glad to hav u guys back
Yay~ awesomeness. Glad you’re back
Welcome back
pheww! if this would happen 16 days earlier, i’d have taken it as april fool’s joke. but since it’s not, my doki got increased nd made me worried. xD welcome back Doki nd keep up the good work!!
oh! nd good luck in getting all ur data, Holo-san ^^
Take your time guys! (:
& glad to have Doki back ^^
Welcome back guys.
Just for those who don’t check the IRC, most of the recent Doki releases are still chilling on Nyaa.
Awesome. i was fowwing u gutys for a while and some others when yesterday, Ryuumare posted a stupid fake post they were shuting down, then u site when down, i was like, “there falling like flys” lol. glad to have u guys back.
welcome back cutie pies.
Welcome BACK!!
welcome back Doki!
and… just for confirmation, did you guys really dropped Daimaou?
yay,doki’s back!^^
Now that you’re back, all is right in the world…well, the anime world anyway. All hail Doki (and Holo)!
can tony-san give the ddl for Mayoi neko ep 2 please
Mayoi Neko 2 is still being timed/edited. I’m not sure what the status of 1v2 is, but it would have been published by now had it not been for this massive server failure.
DOKI <3 Welcome Back in the world wide web
Hope you didn't lose all your Data :/ *prays* xD
Welcome back!
Keep up the good work.
Just a quick comment on your Kiss x Sis:
The font in the ED is quite ugly, why don’t you use the same font as in the OP for the ED?
Good job otherwise.
Hey guys, welcome back, can’t wait till the next release of Seikon no Qwaser, btw the uncensored raw is up on nya if ya need it