I was going to point out all the fallacies in your argument, but there’s too many to count, so I’ll just give you a serious answer.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as “encoding for all systems”. We cannot control whatever you use to play the file, we just use settings which are consistent with every other release we’ve done. In fact, Doki is one of the few groups around nowadays that actually give consideration to their leechers when doing things. This is precisely why our TV releases (for the most part) are released in 8-bit, we still provide an 8-bit option for BDs, and we don’t use fabulous karaoke effects or heavy typesetting. There are no outrageous encoding settings used in Angel Beats, either.
Secondly, I can assure you that this release plays perfectly with CCCP’s default settings. With your i7, even the notoriously slow DirectVobSub wouldn’t make this release lag on karaoke. CCCP’s defaults are actually quite good, and the only thing most people would ever fiddle with is the subtitle resolution, which is at 800×600 by default.
Your problem is most likely a filter conflict with a previous release of CCCP or a different codec pack. Some codec packs leave bits and pieces behind that can cause conflicts even after you uninstall them. I recommend you either:
1. Check you have the latest version of CCCP, and reset CCCP settings and file associations.
2. If the problem still remains, download CCCP insurgent and check the codec packs and filters you have are only the ones supplied by CCCP. Uninstall or manually delete any that aren’t supposed to be there.
3. Check the internal filters in MPC-HC options and make sure it’s correct as per CCCP default. Rarely, some people don’t get the correct settings here when they install or reset CCCP for some reason.
A final note: LAV may be faster than ffdshow, but the difference would be negligible on your i7 anyway, so it’s not the answer to your problems. madVR, on the other hand, is even more CPU and GPU intensive than EVR-CP (CCCP default), so if anything, it will only make things worse.
3. i test it out in my brother new laptop (which have I3)
same problem. (he have last DX version+ last CCCP and all what that needed to play your animes)
4. i tell to other friend of mine to test it on is computer that was just formatted today , same problem.
5.i will open post on cccp site and i will use their insurgent and hope to see the cause though i 10000% sure it not my pc anymore after all of these tests.
i will try some stuff, thanks ryuu_zer0
P.S Index u still here 0.0 i thought u gone to play with your dog
also it might be good time to say that i sorry for being so “lousy” through you guys
i’m may be a “brat” but there is one thing that i certain about, i love doki xD.
when i was angry i went a “bit” off bored with my replays but that was also because i want doki to take me seriously and check this problem *Not only in their pc* but in other pc to see if i was right or not instead of just tell me “it your pc, live with it”
i had alot of bad experience with companies that not willed to help ..and it was relate to their product which i paid for (Nvidia, Dell, Microsoft, EA, activation,and etc) even when i tried to be kind to the limit i can, they just tell me in *very* *kind* way that they not going to help (with a smile =D ),
that why i goes with the “aggressive” mention so people will take it seriously. anyway in short: i don’t meant to harm anybody.. well except from Index … i all the time hate people with two faces… at first he tried to help.. but when he could he tried to make fun off me. that not nice |- \
It’s not that I’m not taking you seriously, it’s that a problem affecting less than 1% of people is likely to be something I can’t do anything about.
If 99% of people play the files fine (going in circles here) and it plays fine on my 6 core system and my old quad core, then as stated the issue is more than likely on the users end.
We have had like five people who had issues with this, and as of yesterday night 1977 people without issues.
That’s almost a 400:1 ratio for people without errors to those with errors, which is _more_ than acceptable and is pretty strong evidence that the files themselves are fine.
I’ve now tested it on both my pc’s and it’s working fine for me on both.
well i don’t know if what Index said was true or not but it seem that Heavy typeset + full action scene make the video to lag, however it doesn’t seem like the pc itself because the pc don’t seem to make more efforts then usual to run the video and i still can do alot of stuff like browsing in the net and copy+patch heavy files while watching this video… it seem to me like something with filter/codec/the player itself that have hard time them then the machine.
any chances that doki will stop using that Heavy typeset then?
will you plz stop to decide things on your own will ya’?
10 bit working fine on any other BDs i tried so far, all those that i told them to test it had the same problem regardless if their pc was weak then mine or stronger then mine, most hint points that doki’s testers had something that most users don’t had in their pcs (like they update something..dk.. they told people to update their VSFilter after all…) or that most people had this problem but not gave a dam because it was only seem mostly in the OP, the possibility that my pc lack something can be deleted from the list because till now i happened to tested it in more pcs that not had any kind of codec pack aside from cccp last version (my brother laptop, my mate, my other mate, my dad pc, my cousin pc, my uncle pc, each one had the same problem when i tested it on their pc, all they had was cccp last version, aside from my dad and uncle that not had any codec pack at till i installed it for them today,(i update their directx before so don’t worry), so far all the pcs that was tested had the same problemio, i even asked someone that my mate know who installed the last cccp beta on his pc to test it, “wtf i so going to delete it” was the things he said after he tested it…
again i don’t know why it happend but it indeed happend to most pcs i happend to test… not all of them had I7 or I3 , some had the intel dual core serise (the Exxxx serise) and some even had AMD …. so far the same problems.. the only thing that was common to all of them was that they had win7 32 bit.
i might be sorry for interfering this long fight… but i half agreed with him… it happend to me too but only on the OP… it seem like software issues then hardware issue to me :\
i just tested it today again on other pc with geforce 8600 gt and intel E5500
no joy (what a surprise)
once again the video works fine until your Karaoke pop up on the op , then the op laggs to the point the sound stop and back and stop and back
plz user other types of Karaokes from now on, then i will stop complain.
For me everything works fine as well I don’t get stops and so!
I got a Sony Vaio pc and works all fine!
I have a 350GB space in disk and still works all fine!
I think it must be your pc that works wrong…Of course I use the newest CCCP as codecs and Media Player Classic to play it! So definitely your problem!
Every computer has a limit, mate. Mine’s ~400 Mb/22-minute media file. (codecs and bit speed aren’t in my vocabulary, apologies)
If it’s lagging, just download a lower-res. Even as vain as I am with the qualities of everything that I use (clothes, animation quality, video quality, etc), I’m still able to download the lower-res. Needs to be a balance between quality and animation speed, after all. 10-second video lag between frames is a no-no.
okay now, let that quality bullshit aside since we all know this one works great and wonderful..
the problem is.. no seeder when people want to download it.
please reseed the torrent, well i don’t want to download thora’s version since they cut the opening and ending, this torrrent is good and finished downloading the first eps after a few weeks struggling on 2-6kBps rate.
I am using core2 duo and 358 intel, works fine, just FYI tough. Idk why loli finds it lagging or whatever.
Would love a reseedof the 10-bit, abit late to the party with Fate/Stay Night, but I’ve finally decided to download it from my favorite fansub group. Unfortunately I’m pulling a mighty 60kbs on my fiberop line…
Hai, I was just wondering, but I noticed the mouth’s of the characters moving first before I heard the voice coming out. Is this my end? or the video itself end of the problem.
If its my end could you suggest anything for me ^^.
I use ffdshow Audio/Video decoder
Enhanced Video Renderer Custom presenter
I still wait for serious reply from you Ixlone
i just don’t want doki to repeat the same mistake in the future, this laggs not even happened in Kanon 10 bit rerelease
I was going to point out all the fallacies in your argument, but there’s too many to count, so I’ll just give you a serious answer.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as “encoding for all systems”. We cannot control whatever you use to play the file, we just use settings which are consistent with every other release we’ve done. In fact, Doki is one of the few groups around nowadays that actually give consideration to their leechers when doing things. This is precisely why our TV releases (for the most part) are released in 8-bit, we still provide an 8-bit option for BDs, and we don’t use fabulous karaoke effects or heavy typesetting. There are no outrageous encoding settings used in Angel Beats, either.
Secondly, I can assure you that this release plays perfectly with CCCP’s default settings. With your i7, even the notoriously slow DirectVobSub wouldn’t make this release lag on karaoke. CCCP’s defaults are actually quite good, and the only thing most people would ever fiddle with is the subtitle resolution, which is at 800×600 by default.
Your problem is most likely a filter conflict with a previous release of CCCP or a different codec pack. Some codec packs leave bits and pieces behind that can cause conflicts even after you uninstall them. I recommend you either:
1. Check you have the latest version of CCCP, and reset CCCP settings and file associations.
2. If the problem still remains, download CCCP insurgent and check the codec packs and filters you have are only the ones supplied by CCCP. Uninstall or manually delete any that aren’t supposed to be there.
3. Check the internal filters in MPC-HC options and make sure it’s correct as per CCCP default. Rarely, some people don’t get the correct settings here when they install or reset CCCP for some reason.
If all of this fails, you have some problem that I’ve never heard of. The next step is probably to ask a CCCP admin for suggestions on their forum.
A final note: LAV may be faster than ffdshow, but the difference would be negligible on your i7 anyway, so it’s not the answer to your problems. madVR, on the other hand, is even more CPU and GPU intensive than EVR-CP (CCCP default), so if anything, it will only make things worse.
sorry but I never use CCCP :P.. I only use K-lite Codec Pack :D.. but play really fine
stfu, Assasin. u ruined the mood ಠ_ಠ
I’ve given you a serious reply. Sort out your computer. If 99.9% of people are playing this fine with no issues the problem is on your end.
Your problems are not our problems and there is no mistake to repeat, since we haven’t made one.
ok .first this pc was format 1 month ago.
no old cccp verion was ever installed on it.
2.there is only CCCP codecs in that pc.
3. i test it out in my brother new laptop (which have I3)
same problem. (he have last DX version+ last CCCP and all what that needed to play your animes)
4. i tell to other friend of mine to test it on is computer that was just formatted today , same problem.
5.i will open post on cccp site and i will use their insurgent and hope to see the cause though i 10000% sure it not my pc anymore after all of these tests.
i will try some stuff, thanks ryuu_zer0
P.S Index u still here 0.0 i thought u gone to play with your dog
sorry, i don’t have a dog now. my dog died 2 months ago D:
also it might be good time to say that i sorry for being so “lousy” through you guys
i’m may be a “brat” but there is one thing that i certain about, i love doki xD.
when i was angry i went a “bit” off bored with my replays but that was also because i want doki to take me seriously and check this problem *Not only in their pc* but in other pc to see if i was right or not instead of just tell me “it your pc, live with it”
i had alot of bad experience with companies that not willed to help ..and it was relate to their product which i paid for (Nvidia, Dell, Microsoft, EA, activation,and etc) even when i tried to be kind to the limit i can, they just tell me in *very* *kind* way that they not going to help (with a smile =D ),
that why i goes with the “aggressive” mention so people will take it seriously. anyway in short: i don’t meant to harm anybody.. well except from Index … i all the time hate people with two faces… at first he tried to help.. but when he could he tried to make fun off me. that not nice |- \
that’s because u’re so annoying D:
Heavy typeset + full action scene(not static like Kanon 2006) ofc will make lag on some PC
It’s not that I’m not taking you seriously, it’s that a problem affecting less than 1% of people is likely to be something I can’t do anything about.
If 99% of people play the files fine (going in circles here) and it plays fine on my 6 core system and my old quad core, then as stated the issue is more than likely on the users end.
We have had like five people who had issues with this, and as of yesterday night 1977 people without issues.
That’s almost a 400:1 ratio for people without errors to those with errors, which is _more_ than acceptable and is pretty strong evidence that the files themselves are fine.
I’ve now tested it on both my pc’s and it’s working fine for me on both.
well i don’t know if what Index said was true or not but it seem that Heavy typeset + full action scene make the video to lag, however it doesn’t seem like the pc itself because the pc don’t seem to make more efforts then usual to run the video and i still can do alot of stuff like browsing in the net and copy+patch heavy files while watching this video… it seem to me like something with filter/codec/the player itself that have hard time them then the machine.
any chances that doki will stop using that Heavy typeset then?
1. Turn off the subtittle
2. i suggest to you to download 8-bit instead whining like this all the time. 10-bit is not for you.
case closed.
will you plz stop to decide things on your own will ya’?
10 bit working fine on any other BDs i tried so far, all those that i told them to test it had the same problem regardless if their pc was weak then mine or stronger then mine, most hint points that doki’s testers had something that most users don’t had in their pcs (like they update something..dk.. they told people to update their VSFilter after all…) or that most people had this problem but not gave a dam because it was only seem mostly in the OP, the possibility that my pc lack something can be deleted from the list because till now i happened to tested it in more pcs that not had any kind of codec pack aside from cccp last version (my brother laptop, my mate, my other mate, my dad pc, my cousin pc, my uncle pc, each one had the same problem when i tested it on their pc, all they had was cccp last version, aside from my dad and uncle that not had any codec pack at till i installed it for them today,(i update their directx before so don’t worry), so far all the pcs that was tested had the same problemio, i even asked someone that my mate know who installed the last cccp beta on his pc to test it, “wtf i so going to delete it” was the things he said after he tested it…
again i don’t know why it happend but it indeed happend to most pcs i happend to test… not all of them had I7 or I3 , some had the intel dual core serise (the Exxxx serise) and some even had AMD …. so far the same problems.. the only thing that was common to all of them was that they had win7 32 bit.
i might be sorry for interfering this long fight… but i half agreed with him… it happend to me too but only on the OP… it seem like software issues then hardware issue to me :\
Sort out your software then. File plays fine
just stop using heavy typeset and everything Will be fine
i just tested it today again on other pc with geforce 8600 gt and intel E5500
no joy (what a surprise)
once again the video works fine until your Karaoke pop up on the op , then the op laggs to the point the sound stop and back and stop and back
plz user other types of Karaokes from now on, then i will stop complain.
For me everything works fine as well I don’t get stops and so!
I got a Sony Vaio pc and works all fine!
I have a 350GB space in disk and still works all fine!
I think it must be your pc that works wrong…Of course I use the newest CCCP as codecs and Media Player Classic to play it! So definitely your problem!
Every computer has a limit, mate. Mine’s ~400 Mb/22-minute media file. (codecs and bit speed aren’t in my vocabulary, apologies)
If it’s lagging, just download a lower-res. Even as vain as I am with the qualities of everything that I use (clothes, animation quality, video quality, etc), I’m still able to download the lower-res. Needs to be a balance between quality and animation speed, after all. 10-second video lag between frames is a no-no.
Anyways, old issue. That’s my last contribution.
okay now, let that quality bullshit aside since we all know this one works great and wonderful..
the problem is.. no seeder when people want to download it.
please reseed the torrent, well i don’t want to download thora’s version since they cut the opening and ending, this torrrent is good and finished downloading the first eps after a few weeks struggling on 2-6kBps rate.
I am using core2 duo and 358 intel, works fine, just FYI tough. Idk why loli finds it lagging or whatever.
wow thanks Doki, i wonder if you guys listen to my question but the torrent sure is faster now .. well 11-23kBps
at least it is faster now! thank you!
Would love a reseedof the 10-bit, abit late to the party with Fate/Stay Night, but I’ve finally decided to download it from my favorite fansub group. Unfortunately I’m pulling a mighty 60kbs on my fiberop line…
Thanks in advance you wonderful people
I assume you mean the 1080p.
In which case. Done.
Yep, wonderful, thanks very much
Hai, I was just wondering, but I noticed the mouth’s of the characters moving first before I heard the voice coming out. Is this my end? or the video itself end of the problem.
If its my end could you suggest anything for me ^^.
I use ffdshow Audio/Video decoder
Enhanced Video Renderer Custom presenter
Also like to note that this only happens to Fate/Stay, but all others like Papa no Iukuto, Lucky star, etc don’t have this problem.
FSN audio syncing is pretty shit.
Ah, okay thank you for the fast reply ^^ thought it was my end.
Can I please get more seeders for HD (h264): Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
Can i please get more seeders for the 1980 x 1080 h264 bd flac of fate stay night
Thankyou very much!:D
Please can you re-seed the (Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]) version?
Thanks in Advance
Have been reseeding this for a while. Servers connection hardly being used atm, might be an issue on your end if you aren’t connecting to our server.
That’s odd. It seems that im only getting between 50-150kb/s max. Perhaps I haven’t got the tracker for your server? I am able to dl others just fine.
Can I get more seeders for (Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]), have been getting 15kb/s.
Thanks in advance!
1080p is too much for this anime, the quality is just not worth
i suggest u guys download the 720p from coalgirls
Do we give a fuck?
Doki can you reseed the Fate Stay Night (2006) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC] Torrent. Please *^_^*
need seeders for Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
please, urgent, need seeders for Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
I love love a reseed of the 1080p version if possible. I’m pulling a fabulous 27Kb/s. Blazing!
I’d love a reseed of this, thanks in advance!