
Fate/stay night (BD) - Batches

Fate/stay night

All the Fate/stay night (Blu Ray) episodes are also available on XDCC bots in #doki irc.

HD (h264): Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]

Torrent | XDCC

HD (h264): Fate stay night (2006) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]

Torrent | XDCC

148 comments to Fate/stay night (BD) – Batches

  • Jojo

    Nub question: What’s the difference between these BD episodes and that of TV Reproduction? And that of the actual episodes which aired on TV?

  • loli-loli-lol

    BDs have better quality
    sometimes BDS are unc and show some stuff that was cer

    as for the TV Reproduction.. i think it was these 3 OVAs that show u on short time what happend in the whole show

    they shiityy OVAs don’t dd them

  • Shadowakumu

    Yeah <3 thx for reseeding !

  • loli-loli-lol

    Thaerin i know my hardware and software and they perfectly fine, my i7 processor and my GTX 295 was able to handle any 10 bit release till today without taking more then 15% CPU power. also i not a noob when it come to codecs and in cases you blind there where 4 more people with the same problem over there and if you look at other sites you will understand that allmost anyone got this problems. these 4 people that reply may “fix” this issue but they only make the eps a bit more watchable
    then they were… the issue still was there because it bad/differenr encoded that CCCP not fully support.

    i just hate the fact that DOKI claiming they relese anime that suppose to work with CCCP and make people think that it CCCP default settings , but they eventually sometimes use their own settings… i personally remeber some animes that doki releses when they just open this site, there were alot of problems like anime with subtitle that don’t works because doki used the new sub filter before even CCCP officially release it… people end up without subtitle in their animes and don’t understand why…

    • Ixlone

      Graphics cards don’t support 10bit decoding, so no idea what you’re talking about with that. If you do have actually have an i7 you should be able to play 10bit perfectly fine.

      I find it funny that several thousand people have downloaded 10bit files and are able to play them fine, yet someone who knows his software and hardware can’t. Clearly you don’t know it as well as you think you do, or you wouldn’t be tiny handful of people incapable of getting it to work on their systems for some mysterious reason.

      As for “everyone” having this issue, a few people ask why it isn’t working for them, typically when they don’t know what 10bit is. We reply. They try it. It works. We all move on.

      This to me suggests that the issue isn’t with our releases, but your inability to set up your system and codecs properly. Further more I use cccp default installation, I have turned on the on screen display, remember file position and window size and leave everything else as default and it plays files fine. I test all the files I release on my CCCP before I upload them. So once again, balls in your court, sort your shit out.

    • Zdm321

      Even Atom netbooks can play 720p 10bit fine, so if your i7 is having problems, then something is totally wrong with your codec setup.

  • odinigh

    I have an i7 with a gtx card as well
    (mine’s higher, but it doesn’t really matter)
    I installed the k-lite mega codec pack, and it just worked.
    Sure I’m one of the subbers, and I have many other things installed, but I don’t really think they make a difference.

  • Index

    so is it time to add MadVR + MPC-HC to play anime, isn’t?

    Also, I have a dual-core E5300 with ATi HD4650. looks underpowered, isn’t?

    • the wolfsdale 2.6 ghz?
      That should play the highest release just fine.

      • Index

        well, no problem with Doki’s BD ( ¯‿¯)

        but i had certain problem with another group release like Hiryuu’s Dog Days….like subtitle blinking..

        but oh well, i can just turn off the subtitle
        ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ because i like NCOP & NCED after all

        (* ̄▽ ̄*)

  • loli-loli-lol

    did u even read what i said? you clearly blind if u don’t MY PC RUN ANY OTHER 10 BIT SHIT FINE!

    your AB was the only one that cause the lags

    more people had that, some reply to your shit and you tell them to hell change their player settings, and the wise ones just delete your shit and download UTW release instead(even though it 8 bit).

    also i have cccp last version on default settings never change anything there. i even try to trun off V syne for your shit and try to rest my settings re register my filters, video still unwatchable, i hate people that relese shit and take the blame on the users

  • loli-loli-lol

    also i tried your shit in other pcs and even tell my mate to test it because i “Clearly don’t know it as well as i think i do”

    and still the ep was unwatchable

    what u have to say on that Ixlone ?

    • Ixlone

      That both you and your friend clearly don’t know how to use a computer.

      I’ll be over here with the several thousand other people watching 10bit with no issues on our correctly set up PCs.

  • loli-loli-lol

    ok here the “English version”

    my pc is fine.
    i have CCCP last version with default settings.
    i able to play any 10 bit (and i have many shows with 10 bits even H-movies)

    my cpu not pass the 10%-15% when i playing videos and even when i played your shit.

    still your Angeal bit 10 bit lag like hell.

    people that watch that show not bothered to try your release and people who do get that lag problems as well, you guys told then to change their player setting and some codecs THAT WAS ON DEFAULT ALLREADY and their problem still was there but it reduce the lagys a bit. that all.

    after that i never want to touch your 10 bit re-release shows. i don’t was talking here about the fate/stey night btw, i don’t even try it after what u done to me in AB case

    • Ixlone

      Where’s the English?

    • Irie Naoki

      even if I suck at english, I can tell that what you are writing there is probobly the same post you posted last.

      Still not english.

    • Ixlone

      Well just checked since you made me curious.

      We have shifted 16.36TB of data on Angel Beats on our primary tracker and 7.42TB on secondary tracker. That’s just torrent downloads on the two trackers, not even counting FS and XDCC downloads.

      So quite where you are getting that no one is downloading it from I don’t know.

      Clutching at straws trying to make out that everyone is suffering the same issues as yourself most likely. Clearly this is not the case.

      The few people who have had issues with lag have followed advice from Dys and got it working fine. Might want to try reading the comments.

  • loli-loli-lol

    will you stop claiming that i dk things about pc Ixlone ? i build my pc with my own hands, till today anything works just great, any video game, any anime no matter how high the quality was, 10 bit running just fine and not make my pc lag at all, only your AB done it so far and no other shows with 10 bit at all.

    i even happend to have some ties with the CCCP team, i think i will send it to Lord and he be able to tell us who wrong here

  • Iyos

    If you’re having issues running 10bit, follow this guide:

    I have had zero issues with any 10bit published by any fansub group. I recommend that MPC-HC, madVR, LAV setup with fdshow installed for older stuff instead of using CCCP. This setup requires some time to setup and it isn’t just install and use, but it’s a great setup once you have it done.

    • loli-loli-lol

      thanks Iyos

      cccp will start to use LAV in their next version (they test it on the beta atm)

      however i don’t have problems with 10 bit at all. only on AB release and Doki still not want to admit that it their fault.

  • loli-loli-lol

    also if you think that your jokes are funny it just show how unserious you are.

  • loli-loli-lol

    thanks Iyos

    cccp will start to use LAV in their next version (they test it on the beta atm)

    however i don’t have problems with 10 bit at all. only on AB release and Doki still not want to admit that it their fault.

  • loli-loli-lol

    also doki keep claiming that they encoded their release so it will work with cccp current release.. however it clearly not the case in AB

  • Iyos

    It isn’t Doki’s fault, like I said, I haven’t had a single issue with Doki’s releases, and I know several other people that have been perfectly fine as well. Pretty sure this problem is on your end mate.

    • loli-loli-lol

      i download alot of shows from doki as well, neber had any problems (only when doki just was formed and the CCCP versions was changes back then) but that it, what i talking here is not about ALL of doki releases, just about ANGEL BEAT 10 BIT re-releases

      that all

      • Ixlone

        CCCP is my only installed player, and it’s what I use to test every file I encode and release. The files work fine for me, and 99.99% of other people.

        Fix your computer, learn to set up your software, maybe try disable subtitle buffering or changing the sub res from desktop to 800×600. But the issue is clearly on your end.

        • loli-loli-lol

          if i will disable subtitle buffering or change the sub res from desktop to 800×600 that won’t be DEFAULT anymore idiot….

          • Ixlone

            I don’t recall saying that it would still be default if you did, because obviously I was offering a suggestion on how to fix your issues.

            Comprehension fail much?

            Also, I’m currently encoding 1080p and 480p zombie BDs and I can play the 10bit video fine under already full CPU load. Sure is nice having a PC that is set up well.

          • Index

            >won’t be DEFAULT anymore idiot…

            look, this monkey is trying to find any mistake in ur post

          • ryuu_zer0

            Um…cccp has 800×600 sub res by default.

  • loli-loli-lol

    i keep telling you that my cpu is not the problem here, it not pass the 10% !

    also plz read that AB post again

    i don’t see that most of the people replys was about how it work just fine for them before your “adjustments”…

    • Ixlone

      What’s to see?

      1977 complete downloads of the 10bit files and like five people are having/had issues and we offered suggestions on how they could change their setup to fix it.

      Not seeing your point here, at 0.26% issues reported across those 1977 downloads I’d say the vast majority of people are playing their files just fine.

  • loli-loli-lol

    i meant only to the 4th page….

    anyway i just for you Ixlone-sama, deleted my cccp

    restart, delete any leftover of cccp(there weren’t any btw), reinstall cccp, rest settings, re register filters, and test your shit, guess what? it still work like shit,

    but when i test these files:

    [Rizlim] R-15 – 01v2 [Hi10p] [BD 1920×1080 x264 FLAC] [C21B0660]

    [SS-Eclipse] Shakugan no Shana Final – 03 (1280×720 Hi10P) [7A5CAC26]

    [Rizlim] Mayo Chiki! 02 [Hi10p] [BD 1920×1080 x264 FLAC] [2B84DB6B]

    [Hiryuu] Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! 03 [Hi10P 1280×720 H264] [039313FC]

    [Hiryuu] Maken-Ki! 02 [Hi10P 1280×720 H264] [685B5017]


    i don’t get any problems (and i have much more… don’t have power to recheck them for you, even though i know they working just fine because i allready watched them)

    plz feel free to explain why only AB lagging?

    • TheThing_89

      Tell me, is the whole video lagging during the whole duration or only the OP?

    • Ixlone

      The files play fine for me with same CCCP setup, so clearly not the files or CCCP at fault as those the one thing in common we have. Our systems are different, and it works on mine and not on yours.

      From this the conclusion would be that your system is bottlenecked, struggles to render subs onto 10bit, cpu isn’t fast enough, etc.

      Basically the issue is on your end.

    • Index

      OP scene?
      AB’s OP is a bitrate overkill. I also had to turn off the subs so my video didn’t lag anymore

    • Index

      >comparing BD set with TV series, so which one isn’t lagging

      oh my gosh, this faggot is so idiot. wait. did u also compare BD encode with dvd encode?


      at least, you can compare Doki’s 1080p Angel Beats! with Hiryuu’s 1080p Dog Days

      • loli-loli-lol

        are u idiot?

        [Rizlim] R-15 – 01v2 [Hi10p] [BD 1920×1080 x264 FLAC] [C21B0660]

        and [Rizlim] Mayo Chiki! 02 [Hi10p] [BD 1920×1080 x264 FLAC] [2B84DB6B] ARE BDs!

        • Index

          >[Hiryuu] Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! 03 [Hi10P 1280×720 H264] [039313FC]
          >[Hiryuu] Maken-Ki! 02 [Hi10P 1280×720 H264] [685B5017]
          >did u also

          do you understand? you have problem with BD encode. you shouldn’t add tv encode, moron.

  • loli-loli-lol

    the video is laging each time there is Karaoke, however the first ep slow slow become unwatchable as the lag grow.

    also isn’t it your guys fault for not encoded it so it will work for all systems? these days alot of games/ progrems and etc do alot of trouble to people (fortunately not for me atm : P) unless people made them right, so far your shows never done to me something of sort like lags. what your pc Build? sometimes people making stuff that only end up works fine on weaker/medium/powerfull pcs. also seem like you can take my cpu out of it and memory as they both not used more power then usuall to run AB video, cpu not goes crazy at all and stay on 10-15%, memory seem fine too (and i don’t think that memory really realte to the 10 bit *-*)

    GPU is powerfull (well not like the geforce 580-590 but at least like the geforce 480), and all the drivers are fine, i never had BSOD once in this pc (though even if your pc is stable u can get one on different situations) and all the 10 bit shows i saw till today (and i watched them since this 10 bit trend started) works 100% FINE.

    i think that you done something wrong in your side and not had the abilitys to test it on all possible Builds (like fansub groups can do it lol), the main suspect so far relate to your Karaoke that not want to get along with the CCCP default filters and settings, i have 1900×1200 resolution on my screen, maybe it has something to do with that (don’t really think so.. but if MPC is auto change the subtitle resolution depend on the screen so it may be relate…)

    anyway i think you better location the cause of this issue so you don’t do the same mistake again in your nect release

  • loli-loli-lol

    *(like that fansub groups actually can do it lol)

    as you can see when i type fast i make a lot of mistakes
    and i don’t bother to fix then because i too lazy (and also because there is no Edit button nearby XD)

    and as for grammar, i know i sucks at it but most people talk like that in the net so who cares?

  • loli-loli-lol

    Index plz read the list of videos i post *Very* carefully.

    also i DO said that not the full list of the animes i watched right? i have more BDs that i test with 10 bit but i don’t included them there , plz stop troll peoples if you not planing to help. seem to me like you becaome Idiot yourself atm.

    (and btw i watched Hiryuu’s Dog Days 1080p if you interested to know..and there was no problems

  • loli-loli-lol

    *that it not the

    *that i tested with



    when i made i write really fast : o
    i wish there where some edit button …

  • loli-loli-lol

    oh yea , i just want to add some basic stuff that idiots like Index should know.

    i put list of different shows with different encode on purpose
    *including* BDs

    so that you will see that any type of encode with 10 bit work fine for me

    your really faggot

    Jesus ….

  • loli-loli-lol

    seem to me like you can’t admit you were wrong and you decided to act like a little kid instead

    go to play with your dog kiddo

  • loli-loli-lol

    ahh… we ran off topic because of that kid.

    anyway at least he admit that he had problems with the Karaoke too so i not alone in this =)

  • loli-loli-lol

    seem like your really don’t understand what you talking about, even the powerfull hardware can’t be so powerfull without the right drivers, and sometimes even when you have the right drivers some progrem/ game/ etc , that not was made right to work with your hardware just not work fine with it

    if you want some noob proof that easy to fine atm plz look at nvidia forum, someone with the geforce 590 (the powerfull card of nvidia atm) can’t play games like BF3 and even BFBC2 without get laggs , my card even able to handle both but he have far better card GPU then mine . what you have to say on that? wait actually don’t say anything cause i going to ignore it anyway start from now, you just fight with me on nonsense and don’t seem to understand stuff about hardwares and codecs, you more harm then help, so plz stop troll me with shit

    • Index

      that’s why there’s something wrong with ur setup. never blame the fansubber. they did their best. u have to fix it by urself.

      people didn’t pay them. they do it for free. so at least fans need to make some :effort:, not trolling like you

    • Index

      Huh, i’m tired right now. why don’t we stop this useless talk?
      and i believe u can do something with playback

    • Ixlone

      Which doesn’t mean it’s the fault of the 590 gtx that the game is lagging, the person probably has a bottleneck somewhere with slow ram, a slow hhd, fragmented hhd, crappy cpu, out of date drivers or a whole host of issues combined resulting in poor computer performance, is what I have to say to that.

      And I’m sure that the other one million people that bought BF3 and are playing it fine on similar systems or lower spec are just fine. Kind of like how a couple of thousand people are playing AB just fine on their computers and you aren’t.

      Looks like that’s two people who need to sort their systems out and stop blaming their own issues on other people.

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