can i ask something? can someone give me the script plz? my bandwidth is too low… in 1w 2d i´ll finish downloading this… so pleaseee can someone be nice with me? ^^
Thanks for the subs. There are a couple of errors and a few missing words in it though. Nothing a little muxing won’t fix, but just letting ya know =-)
I was waiting for this one, thanx 4 the release and I also am glad to hear it uncensored. When you have ecchi never censor it, it’s just lame IMO, ANY WHO… JAANA~ d(-_^) That’s the reason version 2 exist even among the top sub groups.
After some bad reviews from some blogs, I wasn’t expecting to like this show so much. it’s really funny and the awesome production makes it even better.
thanks for subbing the show, by the way, interested in linking to my blog? I can link my LadiesXButlers and Chu-Bra posts here, since I’ll be watching your subs for the two shows.
thanks for the subs again
I’ll do so when the official lyrics come out. The final batch will be v2’ed with the mistakes corrected and the official lyrics. If you find any mistakes, just write it here.
I have to say that you guys are doing excellent work and are fast becoming one of my favorite sub groups. Great translations and overall, very well done job.
Something that I’d like to point out is how I love sub groups that keep the honorifics and Japanese nuances in the subs itself.
It seems that sub groups that do this are becoming fewer and fewer, and I appreciate the effort you guys are putting in.
Cheers, and hopefully, you guys will continue to provide the Anime watching community with high quality subs for years to come. (^.^)
Thanks for the sub; very glad to hear it’s uncensored!
yup, now with op & ed karaoke. good job!
Thanks very much for the release!
[Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! – 01 (848×480 XviD MP3) [797F24C2].mkv
Does this mean the xvid version is softsubbed?
Zdm321: Its just a typo on the main page. I DL’ed it and its in an AVI container.
Yeah, I checked the filename on TT after I made that comment, and saw that it’s avi. Should have checked the filename first ^^;
thanks for the release guys! much appreciated
It was 2 AM when I made the post lol
can i ask something? can someone give me the script plz? my bandwidth is too low… in 1w 2d i´ll finish downloading this… so pleaseee can someone be nice with me? ^^
What good is the script without the video?
yeah… i need only the script… i have the raw here…
plz… if u can be nice… ^^
send me to my mail plz…
/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/[Doki] Lady vs Butlers! 01.ass
thanks for the release
thanks holo! iou 1 !!!
BTW, it’s not “orange pecco”, it’s “orange pekoe”. You may (and should) check it, if you don’t believe me.
Thanks for the subs. There are a couple of errors and a few missing words in it though. Nothing a little muxing won’t fix, but just letting ya know =-)
I was waiting for this one, thanx 4 the release and I also am glad to hear it uncensored. When you have ecchi never censor it, it’s just lame IMO, ANY WHO… JAANA~ d(-_^) That’s the reason version 2 exist even among the top sub groups.
The encode is not good, but it’s big (>300MB). Especially with moving images. Maybe you should use constant quantitizer?
This was the better of the 2 raws out. The other one was smaller (Crf 21.7) so it looked worse. This was Crf 19.
After some bad reviews from some blogs, I wasn’t expecting to like this show so much. it’s really funny and the awesome production makes it even better.
thanks for subbing the show, by the way, interested in linking to my blog? I can link my LadiesXButlers and Chu-Bra posts here, since I’ll be watching your subs for the two shows.
thanks for the subs again
@Bam, I checked it out upon receiving feedback after the pre-release episode.
Please see here to clarify your doubts
Holo, do you intend on revising the script (v2)? There are some mistakes here and there, not an aweful lot but noticeable.
Aside from that, the show is awesome if only because it’s the same char designer who did Kanokon but the comedy is great too! Thanks for the effort.
I’ll do so when the official lyrics come out. The final batch will be v2’ed with the mistakes corrected and the official lyrics. If you find any mistakes, just write it here.
I have to say that you guys are doing excellent work and are fast becoming one of my favorite sub groups. Great translations and overall, very well done job.
Something that I’d like to point out is how I love sub groups that keep the honorifics and Japanese nuances in the subs itself.
It seems that sub groups that do this are becoming fewer and fewer, and I appreciate the effort you guys are putting in.
Cheers, and hopefully, you guys will continue to provide the Anime watching community with high quality subs for years to come. (^.^)