
New Game - Chapter 33

New Game – Chapter 33

Worst chapter in the series. Self-centered Aoba is super self-centered.

<&jakeman95> HAHA the snowman thing still makes me laugh xD

Manga: [NFP-Doki] New Game – Chapter 33 [37020EFA].zip

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New Game – Chapter 32

New Game – Chapter 32

Finally the drama arc begins with the car accident of Nenecchi.

Manga: [NFP-Doki] New Game – Chapter 32 [09A4660D].zip

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New Game - Chapter 31

New Game – Chapter 31

Easiest 10 bucks of my life. Transfer all ze monies to my paypal thank you.

Huge epic durama in this chapter.

Manga: [NFP-Doki] New Game – Chapter 31 [0BF12C44].zip

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New Game - Chapter 30

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat diam ante, ac porta dolor gravida sed. Maecenas lobortis est quis elit pharetra dictum. Nullam sed molestie mi. Quisque dapibus ultrices justo sit amet varius. Quisque pretium, velit vitae suscipit auctor, justo ante elementum magna, vel ornare lorem orci vitae quam. Sed id leo velit. Morbi quis semper sapien, elementum scelerisque nibh. Duis pharetra sit amet libero nec volutpat. Maecenas tincidunt, diam eu mollis tempus, orci erat euismod nibh, sit amet ultrices eros metus a velit. Vestibulum id lacus diam. Aenean vehicula lorem et eros fringilla, eget varius eros pretium. Fusce vel nulla erat. Suspendisse sem libero, egestas eu magna pulvinar, luctus dictum lectus.

Manga: [NFP-Doki] New Game – Chapter 30 [8C2B7DBF].zip

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New Game – Chapter 29

Bla bla bla joint, bla bla bla NFP, bla bla bla friends, bla bla bla Zdm stinx.

90 proof… haha, that’s nothing! Try some 151… or absinthe. -jakeman95

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New Game - Chapter 28

This project chapter is a joint effort with our friends waifus over at Chihiro K-on Overlord Fate/Psycho Pass Precure.

I feel a 3 way coming!  -jakeman95

Torrent | XDCC | Reader | Batoto

New Game – Chapter 27

This project is not a joint effort with our friends over at Chihiro.

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New Game - Chapter 26

Volume 3 supposedly comes out today.

<&jakeman95> Hayai! Thething so fast! Wasn’t this like, released like today?

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