This episode is all sorts of wrong… the chess board has pieces in places they can’t be, Mami doesn’t show up in this part of the story, where were Madoka and Moemura… I’m not happy with these changes, Shaft… I also don’t like Mami, so every moment she’s on screen is painful.
krymsun00: I think Mami showing up (even when she’s not supposed to) more than Madoka and Akemi is proof that even the anime staff think she’s a better girl
jakeman95: Lol. Or maybe she’s more easily used as fodder <__< krymsun00: Better fodder than never
720p: [Doki] Magia Record – Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden – 10 (1280×720 HEVC AAC) [97D74E66].mkv
Torrent | XDCC
1080p: [Doki] Magia Record – Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden – 10 (1920×1080 HEVC AAC) [17E02742].mkv
Torrent | XDCC
Should be obvious now that Shaft cares more for the original show than this one, lol.
Wait, the original characters are also in this? I didn’t know that…Hmm…I’m a bit more interested now…