BanG Dream is back! Poppin’ Party is all together now, so it’s going to be smooth sailing from now on, …right?
I thought the wait might kill me, but luckily the Girls Band Party mobile game was released just in time! It would have destroyed my social life if I had had any to begin with, but I’m still backlogged on my Youtube and airing anime so there’s that.
Insert kfx in this episode by Jocko!
Edit: It turns out that the line at 06:44 was accidentally left commented out. It says, “Apparently the staff at Space is out with influenza.” [<- Highlight]
<Ojii> “Thanks for making you wait”
<Yayoi> 4 star rimi-rin y u no come
<Pikminiman> Arisa is very attractively lit in this episode. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<heyman> consistency
720p: [Doki] BanG Dream! - 09 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [3DE31E8B].mkv
480p: [Doki] BanG Dream! - 09 (848x480 h264 AAC) [F97D2603].mkv
arisa and otae are so cute!
When’s henjo gonna be up?
Thanks for releasing this!
Problem with the audio at the audition on the 720p. The audio breaks up.
Are you perhaps talking about the kfx? your pc might not be able to handle it. you can try turning off the subs for that part if you want to listen to it without the break ups.
Yeah, my bad here. I usually try to optimize a bit but I totally forgot this time~
Over 500 dropped frames in a 60 second segment – A new record! 😀
Thanks! Need to really decide now who is the best girl among them…
i has 4* rimi-rin
git gud
I really hope we get some anime of the other bands at some point.