So, all the OST songs except one that have included lyrics are in English. The other is German… Was this really created in Japan?
«@Ojii» what are you releasing that i should expend energy to come up with a witty comment?
Scans are included in both files.
FLAC: [Doki] Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Original Soundtrack (FLAC) [BDF1BEE5].zip
Torrent | XDCC
MP3: [Doki] Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Original Soundtrack (MP3) [B1E09AA1].zip
Torrent | XDCC
Just waiting for XDCC
My XDCC doesn’t show zip / rar files so these won’t likely end up on any of our xdcc bots unfortunately.
Noted. Will download over torrent