<&jakeman95> Man, half the reason I’d want to work at these places is to get all the cool insider goods… and they don’t get them?!? LAME!
And only one chapter left until volume 02 is finished.
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Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
And so the first project for the main character finishes. Thank you for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter! ^^
Page 98/100 (page numbers in the images vs the ones in the filenames): Top left panel: missing a “?” after “Why!”.
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Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
And so the first project for the main character finishes. Thank you for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter! ^^
Page 98/100 (page numbers in the images vs the ones in the filenames): Top left panel: missing a “?” after “Why!”.