I am now working on the mousemat designs. I’d like comments on what series/characters you’d like to see/purchase.
If you have a specific image that you would like to request, please post the link to a high res image. Otherwise, just post what series and/or characters you would like. The final plan would be for me to choose a selection of images from the series/characters and stock 5 of each design or something. If I like your custom request, I might stock more of them too. Otherwise I’ll only get 1 of the custom design (reserved for the poster).
As an example, you could comment with “Yahari/Yui, Clannad/Kotomi, Fate zero/Saber” or “Clannad, K-ON.”
Also, can people stop asking if I can ship to them. The answer will be yes, unless you live in the middle of an island in the Pacific Ocean or in the Amazon Rainforest.
Last chance to give your character/series preference! I will be choosing designs very soon.
I dunno how big the mousepad would be, so I don’t really know how good it’ll look, but I’d like this image, please:
This kind of res would be sufficient.
Ah Rewrite, great choice. Hope we get an anime of this, I loved the opening music of the Visual novel that I found on youtube lol
just a few of the things i wanna see on the mousepads im actually pretty sure everyone’s gonna like these especially the to love-ru’s i’ve chosen
To Love-Ru
(yami x mikan)
(mea x haruka x yami x yui x mikan)
Infinite Stratos
(the whole group)
Shingeki No Kyojin
(eren x mikasa)
(eren x mikasa x eren’s mom)
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
(the whole group)
(sena x kobato)
(rikka x kodaka)
(kobato x maria)
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
(the whole group)
Date A Live
(the whole group)
(both oreki x chitanda)
forgot to add if any of these do get chosen tell me so i can clean them up or look for even higher res versions etc!
Guilty Crown / Inori
Please consider one of the following images from;
Digimon: http://puu.sh/3peY8 http://puu.sh/3peXm
Peach: http://puu.sh/3peXF (priority on this one)
Inuyasha: http://puu.sh/3peYb
Panty&Hose: http://puu.sh/3peYm
Synthia/Shirona: http://puu.sh/3peXZ
C.C: http://puu.sh/3pfy9 http://puu.sh/3pfy1
Help with at least one of these please. Also if you can find a better pictures then let me know.
You guys are going to sell premade ones that we could look and buy it if i like it without requesting anything? Just curious! ^^
Yes I am going to come up with stock designs that you can browse and buy.
Can I get something like these please or your better attempt
Is there possible to get these?
Fate/Zero: http://min.us/lbiM0mjCSQtKdG
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari: http://min.us/l1O4ZRDRQyQpJ
Kara no Kyoukai: http://min.us/lWEx08LBYSxFk
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: http://min.us/lKMQvepiYaEcv
Zetsuen no Tempest: http://min.us/lU4hh55LBtXDS
Should I make an account to the Doki Shop?
Also wondering how much would these cost + shipment to Finland?
Forgot to ask if I am late about there requests?
Railgun/Misaka is already asked by volardin on page 3
PS also interested in Yahari
No need to make an account before August. Cost are not finalised yet, but I’d expect stock mousemats to be around £6 or 7 each, while custom designs will be slightly more. Shipment to EU is going to be somewhere around £3 a mat, discounts possible for multiple mats.
I would like any of the following:
Arctype: Earth http://i.imgur.com/trkA9.png
Kara no Kyoukai http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/a98d4977c7a812ac65a654b19b67de56.jpg
Nero http://konachan.com/post/show/80358 or http://konachan.com/post/show/86425
And finally http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/sample/sample-3d370db431c233c305526e964e5ed58c.jpg
Got 2 403’s.
Is it fixed with this link: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/2152328
Never using Danbooru links ever again.
Pardon the many post, I still had another danbooru link =S
You should try using an image hosting link instead, it’ll be less problematic.
Kara no Kyoukai again, since the link has a 404 error http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1377675
Me likey!
Summer time means summer mouse pads (hopefully the quality are good enough)
Text removed from the images would be nice
I think I have the original image without the text.
Air was reason I got hooked on anime in the first place. An Air design would be nice.
Kotomi is my favourite CLANNAD girl, if I missed out on Kotomi I would be saddest of sad
Well, Kotomi is Holo’s favorite Clannad girl, so I strongly suspect there will be a mousepad of her! ^_^
Really? I would never have guessed
Love Hanako and would be fairly broken if she wasn’t picked (:
Hey wait a minute, Little Busters is KEY, so it’s good
People like Little Busters, and if they don’t they have the wrong opinion.
I would like to have Kanoe Yuuko mouse mat. she’s mi waifu. XD
Forgot to add that i’d happily take anything from that show. so no need to make em all tho anything suffice for Yuuko-san and me.
i want Riko and Ako in Kiss X Sis pleaseee
I would like to request a mousepad of Saki from Shin Sekai Yori.
Many thanks.
I’d like a Nogizaka Haruka one, do I even need to mention why?
Eren I think
I need some illya so here
and a nice one from clannad
Yui <3
Would love this.