I am now working on the mousemat designs. I’d like comments on what series/characters you’d like to see/purchase.
If you have a specific image that you would like to request, please post the link to a high res image. Otherwise, just post what series and/or characters you would like. The final plan would be for me to choose a selection of images from the series/characters and stock 5 of each design or something. If I like your custom request, I might stock more of them too. Otherwise I’ll only get 1 of the custom design (reserved for the poster).
As an example, you could comment with “Yahari/Yui, Clannad/Kotomi, Fate zero/Saber” or “Clannad, K-ON.”
Also, can people stop asking if I can ship to them. The answer will be yes, unless you live in the middle of an island in the Pacific Ocean or in the Amazon Rainforest.
Last chance to give your character/series preference! I will be choosing designs very soon.
Forgot about Railgun. I don’t have an image suitable for a boob mousepad, but if someone has a good Misaka picture that would work, then they would have my thanks. If not, I can settle for a Misaka and Kuroko regular mousepad which I have images for, so:
Misaka Mikoto – Railgun/Index (Oppai Mousepad)
Misaka Mikoto/Shirai Kuroko – Railgun/Index
Would like to use this image if it’s high enough res.
Oreimo – Kirino and/or Kuroneko/Ayase
Accel World – Kuroyukihime
(Bake/Nise)monogatari – Kanbaru/Senjougahara
i second any monogatari pics.
Riko Mine/Hidan no Aria
How much for a Kuroneko and/or Kirino or better yet why not a Kuroneko and Kirino together?…hmn…
Togame would be good too…and Inaba….damn I don’t even use a mouse…T nT
Kuroneko and Kirino together at http://www.flickr.com/photos/90026753@N08/9089515060/
I would like to see this mousepad of Kuroneko personally http://www.flickr.com/photos/90026753@N08/9089518608/
Mmm, I approve of that hawt Kuro x Kiri image. <3
MAKE IT HAPPEN!! I’d buy both of those. js.
I would love to see
Highschool of the Dead – Saeko/Rei/Saya
Guilty Crown
Dansai Bunri no crime edge- kiri/iwai
Boku wa Tomodachi
Higurashi (would DEFINITELY get a couple of these)
http://static.zerochan.net/Dansai.Bunri.no.Crime.Edge.full.1490515.jpg (would like to use this if possible)
I know i listed a few but i have no doubt i’ll spend more money on these then i should. haha. Can’t wait for august!
crime edge host site lost.
here’s another : http://i.imgur.com/XOg6WF3.jpg
I would love to see some Touwa Erio (from Denpa Onna) mats, Oppai mats would be even cooler.
Some index ones (there is only one index xD) would be neat, or Kudryavka Noumi ones (Little Busters)/Natsume Rin (Little Busters) would also be neat, any of them would be awesome.
I would love this as a mousepad:(Yuki Nagato from Haruhi Suzumiya) http://s7.directupload.net/images/130619/8m6ekzkj.jpg
but in case there are some really nice Clannad/Kotomi images, I will probably buy one of these too^^
Seconding the ones who wanted Touwa Erio.
Same goes for Monogatari girls.. Heck, everything Shaft made succesful is good for me.
Adding Yui/Angel Beats
Eucliwood/Kore wa Zombie desu ka?
Akiko/Oniichan Dakedo ai.. kankeinai yo ne?
Lala Deviluke/To Love-ru
Yoshika Miyafuji/Strike Witches
I replied to your previous post but I’ll repost here to be sure:
Misaka Mikoto from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (doing a railgun shot if possible) and this image if it’s high-res enough (you can get a higher-res image than the preview if you’re a pixiv member): http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=29149986
if you could “Hinata” From “Naruto Shippuden”it’s ok if not
In order of preference
Angel Beats:
Steins;Gate (again):
It would be great just one mousepad, being the preference the stated above.
I hope I explained well, I’m spanish
Tohsaka Rin – Fate/Stay Night
Shiki – Kara no Kyoukai
I second this!
I would love to have an Oppai mousepad of Tomoyo Sakagami from Clannad, I will let you choose the Picture to use. I would also like to see a normal mousepad with this picture of Mizore from Rosario to Vampire: http://wallpaperbackgrounds.com/Content/wallpapers/anime/other/rosario–vampire-shirayuki-mizore-6271.jpg
I would also like an Oppai Mousepad of Saeko Busujima using either one of the two following images: http://p.im9.eu/82490-busujima-saeko-cleavage-highschool-of-the-dead-purple-seifuku-sword-weapon-mx-1920×1080-anime-wallpaper.jpg or http://khongthe.com/wallpapers/anime/saeko-busujima-3-234738.jpg
Let it be a Surprise =)
All regular mousepads please (unless you want to surprise me with oppai ;)) in order of preference
Clannad: Kyou Fujibayashi (school uniform and/or gym uniform)
Clannad: Kotomi Ichinose (school uniform and/or gym uniform)
Haruhi: Tsuruya (school uniform and/or maid)
To Love-ru: Momo Deviluke (Casual space and/or school uniform)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Rena Ryuugu (Casual white one piece dress and/or angel morte)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Mion Sonozaki (casual and/or angel morte)
I would love to see:
Ore no Imouto/Kirino, Kuroneko, or Ayase
eg. http://www.theanimegallery.com/gallery/image:164928/ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai:cups-on-a-string
or http://www.theanimegallery.com/gallery/image:142120/ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai:gokou-ruri
or http://www.theanimegallery.com/gallery/image:118639/ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai:ruri-gokou
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu: Yuki
Regular mouse pad please, i dont think oppai pad would fit her
I would love this if it will work.
Also would be interested in Clannad, Kanon, Air, and Little Busters! mousemats.
Ayase Chihaya / Chihayafuru
if there are any good pictures. I am an idiot so i can not find any.
How about a mat featuring a To Love-Ru Harem Setup like with Rito and all the girls in the bath or something like that
I am pleased by the amount of Clannad/Key mousepad requests…
For those looking for quality Key images to request for mousepads, take a gander here:
The forum post is about two years old and contains only a small fraction (~8% by file size) of my current Key image collection, but you might find some images which you would like to see printed. Happy hunting! ^_^
That is a LOT of images…I’m gonna have to go through them some day I guess…Bit by bit…
Just burned the scroll wheel.
You’re welcome =P
Thank you!
Add another burned out scrollwheel to your tally.
I really would like to see a couple different Clannad/Key mousepads. Only use one mouse and I’d still buy multiple copies.
Also, the Takamachi Nanoha pad has my approval.
These two for me.
Sorry I posted the same url twice. This is the second. >.<
Here are my requests. Feel free to choose as many/few of them as you want. Pick the ones you like. In general, I like Type-Moon and KEY stuff, particularly Fate, Kara no Kyoukai, and Clannad. Anyway, here goes (in no particular order):
Saber & Rin (Fate): http://i.imgur.com/PFF1P5w.jpg
Saber & Rin 2: http://i.imgur.com/K9jZcc9.jpg
Saber & Rin 3: http://i.imgur.com/YuKFvHB.jpg
Various Type-Moon girls: http://i.imgur.com/kXRgmd1.jpg
Various Type-Moon girls 2 (I don’t know if the image quality in this one is good enough. If someone can tell me where to find a higher quality version of this image, I’d be much obliged): http://i.imgur.com/sA3Ha6J.jpg
Shiki (Kara no Kyoukai): http://i.imgur.com/Y6Zzcph.jpg
Shiki 2: http://i.imgur.com/PzUXCLf.jpg
Clannad girls: http://i.imgur.com/LZA5hiP.jpg
Clannad girls 2: http://i.imgur.com/om5a2Fd.jpg
Clannad girls 3: http://i.imgur.com/INHZdI7.jpg
Nagisa: http://i.imgur.com/CIQjQuC.jpg
I forgot to mention (although you probably already know this), just click on the images to show them full-size.
boku no pico plox
Kami-sama no Memo-chou/Alice Toradora/Taiga Acchi Kocchi/Tsumiki please