I am now working on the mousemat designs. I’d like comments on what series/characters you’d like to see/purchase.
If you have a specific image that you would like to request, please post the link to a high res image. Otherwise, just post what series and/or characters you would like. The final plan would be for me to choose a selection of images from the series/characters and stock 5 of each design or something. If I like your custom request, I might stock more of them too. Otherwise I’ll only get 1 of the custom design (reserved for the poster).
As an example, you could comment with “Yahari/Yui, Clannad/Kotomi, Fate zero/Saber” or “Clannad, K-ON.”
Also, can people stop asking if I can ship to them. The answer will be yes, unless you live in the middle of an island in the Pacific Ocean or in the Amazon Rainforest.
Last chance to give your character/series preference! I will be choosing designs very soon.
I would love to see a ichiban ushiro no daimaou mouse pad!
To Love Ru:Darkness/Mikan
Infinite Stratos/Charlotte Dunois
Res is insufficient.
Sorry. Is this one okay?
Use the new post now. But no the res needs to be higher. See the new post for the requirements.
Mafuyu/Seitokai no Ichizon
Misaka Shiori/Kanon
I doupt there is one and if there aint, maybe you can use this image? http://i3.minus.com/ibxtK5Ixh6OcWG.jpg
How ’bout this one?
Good aswell, if he can crop out Shiori’s sister out of the picture.
This one
Sora no Otoshimono/Ikaros&Nymph ( http://puu.sh/3jnnl.jpg )
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko/Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi( http://puu.sh/3jnlM.jpg )
I’ll also have one of the SAO.
If Possible.
This one.
That puush could not be found.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica/best girl Miki Sayaka
If it’s possible to use this pic
then fantastic. If not, i’m sure you could find one you like ;D
Res too low.
Wow sorry messed up.
That puush could not be found.
how about Date A Live or Photo Kano ?
I’d like to get one of Kanade from Angel Beats!
I’d like an Angel Beats Season 2 personally /offtopic
Trust me a second season would be disappointing
Lol, if done right, it could be kinda fun. Certainly the first season left a lot of questions open that could be used for a sequel and a prequel. Though at the very least I would LOVE!! a confirmation of the ending, like a directors cut with a minute or two of added scenes. The current ending is evil lol
I thought the ending in Angel Beats was very final and complete, and it didn’t leave me with any questions, and imo it is not evil either. So I don’t know why you would want a sequal. I don’t think that would be all that good. They got to be with each other in the next life. That’s a happy ending in my book, and it’s all I need.
I wanted them both to acknowledge each other and confirm they knew who they were for certain, maybe a hug and some dialogue lol
And you’re right, it doesn’t need a sequel per say, there was just a few things that was mentioned that I would love to see expanded on.(Like who made the world, who he was waiting for, who were the first people to enter it, and perhaps have Otonashi meet him and ask him to shut it down once everyone has passed on). If you add in some new characters, it’d certainly make an interesting series lol
Shana – Shakugan no Shana
Leviathan, Bahamut, Jörmungand – Zettai Bōei Leviatan
I would certainly buy those. And others, if I like them too.
Shakugan no Shana/Shana
Hidan no Aria/Aria
Sup niglet (´_ゝ`)
Shana is mine ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Would love to buy a Saya/Blood-C one, in fact i’d buy two!
I would probably buy a Little Busters mousemat,
aslo maybe a Kanon/Sawatari Makoto mousemat
For the latter, maybe you can use this image.
Accel World/Kuroyukihime
Angel Beats/Yurippe
Kanade Tachibana from Angel Beats – http://imageshack.us/a/img845/9125/50o.jpg < This would be my custom image. If I have to pay more to get this mouse pad 100%, I'll do so.
Air Theme Background (Key) – http://imageshack.us/a/img811/765/wallpaper1453425.jpg < This would be also another one I'd like if and only if I can't get the above one.
Misaka Mikoto from Railgun
Use this image of Kanade Tachibana instead of the first one, since the first one wasn’t cropped – http://imageshack.us/a/img809/8832/2dtu.png
This image please ^^
I’m sure I can dig out a better Botan image. Yours isn’t high res enough I’m afraid. When printed on a mousemat it won’t be pretty due to pixelation.
Allrighty, i’ll see what you can dig up then. Cheers.
Tinkle’s artwork.
Touwa Erio/Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko.
Haven’t seen requests for these yet. So I might as well.
Okazaki Family – Clannad
Misc Dangos – Clannad
Ryuji/Taiga – Toradora!
I second the Okazaki Family choice.
Also, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun/Misaka Mikoto would be nice.
Toaru kagaku no railgun/ Misaka Mikoto & Saten Ruiko