With cash cards you can’t go over drawn at the bank, at least in England. With Debit Cards, depending on your branch, you can technically go over drawn and have a negative balance. Money cards seem to be the things you charge up prior to using with funds, that acts like a proper card.
Ever heard of ‘Naruto’? Pretty much since the big-bad got Karma-jesu’ed the author could only show his organizational weakness. I liked Index manga but it went downhill, Railgun manga started okay then went downhill FASTER, the LNs are actually worse because the fridge logic and the mighty speeches are aggravating as hell.
The franchise IP has slid with each new character, as inexorably as it did in Mirai Nikki. I have tested the waters with each anime run, never stuck through a season. One of the things that really surprised me was how much more the yuri ticks me off compared to the manga. There’s been plenty of yuri service that I liked but somehow not in this series.
I’ll probably be dropping in to see the facility fight, it was interesting before even though the outcome was assured. But much of this season’s plot should involve beating the viewers with dead fish and exposing them to a grade-school-morning-cartoon conspiracy. Hence ‘Naruto’.
I think his point was that both shows involve “beating the viewers with dead fish and exposing them to a grade-school-morning-cartoon conspiracy”…Of course I think that’s absurd, and couldn’t disagree more, since both shows are great imo.
Whoop Whoop! More Railgun! \o/
yeay, railgun \o/
Thank you, Doki!
I can’t wait anymore 😀
Can’t blame Kuzu. Saten is definately one of Toaru’s best characters.
Oh and thanks to DeathHere for helping to get this release out today.
Saten-chaaaan! <3
What exactly is the difference is between a debit card, cash card and money card? Evidently, a Money Card is a real thing in Japan…
With cash cards you can’t go over drawn at the bank, at least in England. With Debit Cards, depending on your branch, you can technically go over drawn and have a negative balance. Money cards seem to be the things you charge up prior to using with funds, that acts like a proper card.
That’s how I understand it lol.
Dropped also! I should have remembered the original a bit better. Bailing nao.
You’re joking right? o_o You’re DROPPING this wonderful show!? o_o
Ever heard of ‘Naruto’? Pretty much since the big-bad got Karma-jesu’ed the author could only show his organizational weakness. I liked Index manga but it went downhill, Railgun manga started okay then went downhill FASTER, the LNs are actually worse because the fridge logic and the mighty speeches are aggravating as hell.
The franchise IP has slid with each new character, as inexorably as it did in Mirai Nikki. I have tested the waters with each anime run, never stuck through a season. One of the things that really surprised me was how much more the yuri ticks me off compared to the manga. There’s been plenty of yuri service that I liked but somehow not in this series.
I’ll probably be dropping in to see the facility fight, it was interesting before even though the outcome was assured. But much of this season’s plot should involve beating the viewers with dead fish and exposing them to a grade-school-morning-cartoon conspiracy. Hence ‘Naruto’.
Huh…Well, I pretty much disagree with everything you said, but oh well, to each his own… ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
He brought up Naruto in the same light as Railgun. erm… ermmm
I think his point was that both shows involve “beating the viewers with dead fish and exposing them to a grade-school-morning-cartoon conspiracy”…Of course I think that’s absurd, and couldn’t disagree more, since both shows are great imo.
Thankyou for this 🙂
Hey, Holo, please do a HenNeko comparison. Fansub.co doesn’t even have a placeholder.
PS: Better place for fansub.co related questions?
I will do. Yeah commenting over there would get my attention quicker.