For all the Precure Fags out there. Including me!! :D
Scans included.
Track 8 is epic, enjoy.
FLAC: [Doki] Smile Precure! Original Soundtrack 1 Pretty Cure Sound Parade (FLAC) [29D9BF8E].rar
MP3 (320 kbps): [Doki] Smile Precure! Original Soundtrack 1 Pretty Cure Sound Parade (MP3) [68223D08].rar
oh boy thingu >_>
*one of those Precure fags* I have to say it was unexpected to see you guys release this soundtrack but I’m not complaining. Thanks for the release. *grabs*
I also have Suite Precure OST 1 and 2. Just gotta scan it and release it. Should be out hopefully soon. 🙂
Thanks! 😀
Haven’t seen Precure before, but as a music lover, I have to say thanks 🙂
Never thought I’d see anything Precure related released at Doki…
^ Me either, but you wont hear me complain.
Thanks a lot thingy ;D.
I won’t COMPLAIN, but I can’t say I understand grown up men watching Precure…It’s a little creepy even in my eyes…