Dear User,
We regret to inform you that your DepositFiles user account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of Depositfiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.
If you believe the accusation to be false, please contact Depositfiles support team to resolve the issue. However be warned that the alleged copyright owners may be informed of your claims to their alleged rights, which, if untrue or misleading, will lead to legal prosecution from such copyright owners.
Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team
Please wait for us to re-consider the situation.
[19:38] We have had… hotfile, MU, bitshare, FS, DF, something starting with N
[19:38] And been burned by so many of them
Thing is, we are discussing whether it’s even worth the effort to use DDLs. We’ve made something like £36 out of DF over the past 5-6 months, which is a waste of time, not even enough to cover the money for the premium.
Fact of the matter is, I think it is too much of a coincidence that our account was terminated on the exact day that we released the new summer shows. We have a feeling that some fags out there are reporting our uploads (no names will be mentioned, they know who they are). Why are they doing this? Jealousy, probably.
But anyway, if we use another host, the same thing could happen again, so it becomes a waste of time.
I may consider upping the donations for a cheap celeron server to host our own DDLs, but that’s discussion for another day.
Update: IronWarrior has kindly decided to fund a DDL server for Doki. This means that I can make 1 TB of data available for DDL. I can’t make our entire archives available, as it exceeds 1TB. I will prioritise airing shows and Key BDs for DDL. If anyone else is kind enough to fund another server, then that brings the total to 2TB, and I think that is about enough to cover every file we have ever released.
However, this service will not be publicly available. As suggested by noodle, it will be made available via the forums only, and registeration will be compulsory before you get view the download links. The server is 100 Mbits, and I do not plan on capping the downloads, so you could get up to 12 MB/s speeds.
If another kind soul would like to fund another ddl server, please email me or discuss with me on IRC. It would cost £16.80 per month. (
Oh God! (屮゜Д゜)屮
I don’t know if you guys are taking suggestions but hope peejeshare is also there in your possible filehosts list.
I don’t know why people even use DDL’s anymore.
DDLs died when MU, hotfile, FS, and other hosts died. Those hosts were the best for free users giving great speeds. All the hosts now are either terrible or have limitations ( MediaFire )
People should just move on to torrents. It’s easy and costs nothing.
I agree, and as you can see, so does ixlone.
I’m fine with torrents, so I don’t mind if DDL’s go away. Especially if it’s just causing you guys to spend money on it and people just report it anyway, I don’t see the point in keeping it up for the few people that still really want DDL’s.
I use DDL because it’s completely legal in my country to download copyrighted audio/video works. It’s only illegal to upload it. Also, on torrent your ip is available to see by anyone connected to swarm (unless you use vpn).
I bought account on real-debrid and I can download from many different DDL hosts.
Then use XDCC, it is also downloading without uploading
I also use XDCC, but downloading many files usin XDCC is pain in the ass. I would love to just enter packs’ numbers and don’t worry about anything
xdccq and XCHAT-WDK. Google them both.
Or you can buy a seedbox. You still have to pay, but at least someone else will do all the dirty work, including the lawsuits (it’s not that easy to sue them, really).
I don’t mind torrents either. Usually they download fast and run in the background whilst I’m watching something else, or doing something else offline.
That said, perhaps increasing the donation target threshold is a better idea? To something like $90 or whatever helps to clear the bill for the servers you run Holo.
Sad to hear. I’m lucky enough I can work with XDCC and Torrents. XDCC is the way to go.
Agreed with Nymph, my angeloid.
^he spoke the truth
… and not a single damn was given that day. As DepoShit was a shitty hoster to begin with, you can only say “Good riddance”.
As only masochists were using the DepoShit download links, it’s no wonder you got next to nothing out of it.
I din’t bother for that, always goes for torrent. Beside, DDL gone too much trouble.
Can’t remember the last time a normal TV episode torrent took me more than 15 minutes to download. Dump the DDLs. I know some minority of users need them, but those users should go figure out XDCCs (if you have any, I haven’t been in your IRC chan) if they’re under strict torrent limitations.
When I’m using the school connection the only thing that works without using a vpn is DDL so I understand why people need DDLs. Even if DepositFiles was annoying, it was the easiest way.
Of course when I’m at home I use torrents because it’s easier and sometimes XDCC on old files because the torrents aren’t seeded enough.
Many people use DDLs. Kinda obvious, since so many of such sites exist.
Just because some people state they don’t care if they are removed. Don’t be a selfish dick about it, the group puts out content for everyone. No one method is perfect for all.
Torrents, irc, ddls. I appreciate them all, thank you Doki =D
Hope that group server idea comes to fruition for all who can’t use torrents and irc.
Bummer for those that use it. but they still have two alternatives, being torrent and xdcc, should be enough in my opinion.
File hosting sites have become unreliable in…file hosting.
I only ever use torrents anyway. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ DDL’s have become crappy and unreliable these days, so I agree, I really think you guys should just ditch them altogether. Raise the donations instead. I haven’t donated yet since I’m a student, but I will if I see that you guys struggle. You’re my favourite fansub group after all.
I agree. I DLed Nanoha movie on June 2011 when I learned about BitTorrent. The Nanoha movie’s torrent is extremely shitty at the time, but after finding better torrents, I found out that the torrent reaches the speed of 600KB/s (compared to Fileserve, which is 200KB/s). I only used torrent since that day (except for some stuff that exists only on DDL sites).
DDs are for when the torrent run out of seeds and XDCC can’t be used for x reason (some may be subjective ones), in the old times when MU ruled over the world, it was a must ’cause it was; but now it’s a diferent story.
I use torrent because, thankfully, most of doki’s torrent are as fast as my conection (a crapy one but I love it :v) so what I try to say is “I don’t need DDs” but that’s me… XDCC is my alternative and, again, thankfully the torrents work fine.
I think the people that should care the most are citizens of the USA since using torrents might cause them to have legal troubles now that ISP are required to snoop (and torrents are easy to inspect). Having no DDL option will probably mean less people from the USA will access doki subs out of fear of being targeted.
XDCC is still a safe option. No one can snoop on that (i think) since it’s a connection from your PC to my server.
Indeed, but sadly for most XDCC is several steps of complexity above DDL (or torrent). TBT this won’t affect me, just speaking for the many that do not visit this website on a frequent basis (many years ago I never visited fansub sites, I only downloaded the torrents from another site, then I upgraded to DDL).
Thanks for your reply.
Your ISP is not snooping your connection. The RIAA/MPAA and their puppet companies still have to connect to a torrent, get a list of seeds/peers, and send a notice to your ISP. Now, though, the ISP is required to send you “educational materials”, throttle your connection, etc.
Plus, I highly doubt the RIAA/MPAA care to monitor torrents of chinese cartoons. They’re more focused on American-produced movies and TV shows.
Also remember the lawsuits in a texan court over One Piece, they might try it again anytime, they simply will not tell beforehand which series and chapter they will target.
I don’t think that will happen, if I remember right from reading the story, Funimation wanted to sue everyone all at once in one case, but the judge told them they’d have to do it individually and threw their case out right?
They also tried this with Fractale which didn’t come to anything.
My memory of this is rather vague, I just remember reading the animenewsnetwork story and know no convictions came from it.
Scroll down to the “Who will be monitoring these copyright infringements?” section.
I could be wrong but that doesn’t apply to anime does it Zdm? Funimation is pretty much getting a monopoly on the US industry but even then can’t afford to take legal action against everyone. And I doubt they have the staff to monitor everyone lol.
From how I understood it in the past, like with Fractale the Japanese studio wanted them to try and stop people fansubbing the show and tried to withold the license from Funimation till they at least acted, as they tried to act they were happy.
This at least suggests to me that the Japan studio will only be interested in taking Japanese copyright violators to justice and will leave the international stuff to whoever has their license.
Basically beyond cease and decease scare tactics I don’t think the average anime downloader outside of Japan has anything to worry about right?
Basically I don’t think anyone has anything to worry about with this stuff lol. Life will go on, and nothing will change.
Yeah, this “six strikes” thing is mostly for MPAA/RIAA related productions, such as American movies and TV shows.
Under “six strikes”, you get a few warnings before they start sending you “educational materials” and whatnot, so just wait to see if you get a warning. If you do, then you’ll know to switch to XDCC/DDL/Usenet.
Ah okay, well I’m British anyway so it doesn’t apply to me.
Just obviously for unlicensed anime, unless the Japanese studios go to an extra expense of paying staff to monitor anime fansubs I don’t think anyone will be reported anytime soon. And licensed anime is probably the same too.
I guess we should be greatful that anime is low priority outside of Japan, if we were all Japanese we’d be worried lol. Lots of people getting arrested there for piracy.
Actually, you should be thankful that Japan was what it was now. The studios and distributors let the fansubbers go because they do advertise their products, even though that means they lost the revenue that they can generate had it would been if they could sell them online. Additionally, they need money to make animes, and they will only lose everything* to sue the foreign fansubbers.
*Pun for PS3 ad, famous for “Only does everything”.
LOL that (because it really doesn’t, at least, not literally).
>They’re more focused on American-produced movies and TV shows.
I think the word you’re looking for is “Garbage.”
^what Jigsy said. Believe him, guys!
Torrenting subtitled broadcast raws from Japan is NOT illegal, in and of itself. I successfully beat back a challenge from Comcast and Funimation over streaming Strike Witches from my site. I drove to Harrisburg, PA and was able to prove to the Pennsylvania Public Services Commission that, not only was I NOT using Funimations version, but that Funimations version was over 30% different in content and therefore not covered by Funi’s licence.
I don’t give a FUCK about that idiotic law. I have torrented over 4 TB’s of Anime inthe past 3 years and I havent heard one word. Probably because Broadcast Raws are ALL I torrent.
Well done, seriously.
Never did agree with one corperate entity like Funimation trying to control anime in the United States.
I don’t like Funimation’s scripts. Or their blatant content censoring.
And, for the love of fuckin’ christ… could they POSSIBLY do just ONE show with voice acting that doesn’t make me want to jam knitting needles into my ears. I no longer blame the voice actors… it is a corporate decision that the voice acting is a horrible as possible.
It can’t be simply a coincidence. They honestly seem to go out of their way to mis-cast roles.
Of course, ultimately, Funimation just assumes that you are an American and therefore stupid. That, since you can’t understand subtlety, nuance or foreign culture, they will pre-chew and regurgitate it FOR you. Further encouraging the “Dumbing of America”. Also
The following is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard on an anime forum
(probably ANN before I was banned. Now there is a collection of brown-nosing suck-ups):
“You know, many Dubs are just as good as the original. Some are even superior.”
Huh?!? WTF!?!
… second most ignorant:
“It’s just words. Words are words.”
If you truly believe that, then you are are missing a lot.
I understand that most of these idiots consider Naruto and Oran High School Club
(or whatever the fuck that shit is called) the height of Anime culture and snobbery.
Someone will have to tell me (because I will NEVER watch it) if the U.S. version of Madoka Magica censors the conversation Madoka has with her mother… indicating she can’t wait to grow up so she can go out drinking with her mother.
Episode 11 and 12 make it clear and canon that, at least in the first few timelines, Madoka and Homura were, indeed, lovers. I am positive that will bed soft-pedaled or eliminated entirely.
Just how badly will Homura’s american voice actress fuck up the highly emotional exchange between herself and Madoka after the Universal re-boot. I can only imagine.
(Yeah, they’re “just friends”. Because everyone would sell their soul and endure mind-shattering hardship for a school chum.)
Again, corporate America wants you stupid, and wants you to STAY stupid.
Between Rosetta Stone and Japanesepod101, hopefully the point will be moot for me within the next 18 months.
Amen bro.
I agree. I watch quite a few dubs and have noticed the dub script is very different to the Japanese.
They also like to add random cuss words to up a shows age rating for some reason.
This made me laugh. Not at you, but what it reminded me of.
When you watch the film Spirited Away dub extra from diz-knee. The translation team flat out admists how fuckin stupid they are. They admit to not knowing shit about anime and laugh at themselves by saying “we didn’t know what a seal meant. We thought they were talking about a magical water creature instead of a name stamp”.
This made me cringe at how fuckin stupid my nation is…that and these morons get paid shitloads of money where as any of us could do a better job, not even knowing the friggin language >_<
“I no longer blame the voice actors… it is a corporate decision that the voice acting is a horrible as possible.”
Agreed. I bet they have lost their souls in corporate pursuits or something. In fact, I have played tens of PS2 and PS3 titles, their voices is nowhere as endearing as Japanese seiyuus, but was not too shabby either in general. I have only heard English dub for animes once or twice, but… to put it in one word, is simply inferior.
Then again, it’s my own ears, not an average American’s ear, so this might be subjective.
“Again, corporate America wants you stupid, and wants you to STAY stupid.”
I think I could not agree any less. what with the American feds making all these stupid bills to censor the Internet when my own nation decided never to (except for Fileserve blocking “scandal”, which ironically IS the very reason I adopted torrents).
Well say R.I.P. DDL’s; torrent and XDCC are way much better. If still looking out for DDL,, bitshare, Animegoon, Rapidgator are some of the DDL’s that are now popularly used other than DF. Still DDL’s are unreliable nowadays, better stick to torrent. Making a own server to up files; loads of work
Actually, getting our own server and using it to host our own DDLs is minimal work, lol. It’s just the funding that’s the issue.
The donation increase thing seems like a reasonable thing to do, people love donating and it’d go to a good cause too
Of course entirely your decision and what you feel is best Holo.
If people were willing to donate, it’d go up by $16.80/$27 a month. That’s enough to fund 1 TB of DDL space.
Might be worth you making a post sometime soon asking this very question. Just to see if there’s any interest from people.
Perhaps after having a good nights sleep and a chance to think about this subject you could decide?
Well, you can count on me Holo. I’ll donate 5$ every month if needed. : )
The question is, how about the bandwidth cap? If I recall, Kimsufi servers have the upload bandwidth cap (which goes to client’s download speed) of 3Tb or so, so I’m not sure if it’ll be enough… Do you have somewhere else for such a heavy file hosting?
it’s 5 TB on a celeron. It shoudl be sufficient.
How different is doing that from the XDCC download option? What makes XDCC different from a separate server to hose DDLs?
You’d need someone more technically knowledgeable than myself to give you a good answer.
However, I believe that DDLs are attached to the webserver, and high volumes of traffic could slow down other sites hosted on the webserver. If I hosted DDLs on’s server, then at release times, high volumes of DDL traffic could potentially bring to its knees.
XDCC is another protocol entirely, (not the webserver), so is unaffected? I guess it’s something like that.
Unless I’m talking out of my ass, lol.
So with XDCC do you need to like go on IRC? I’ve never used IRC before, and have never ventured into Dokis IRC either.
Yes, you need to use IRC. There’s a guide on our forums if you need help.
Alright, I should check the IRC out someday. Surprised I haven’t.
I’d think that any traffic would slow everything down, XDCC included. The same or another similar server might work, you’d just have to test to see.
Or, try 1 or 2 Raspberry Pis as servers. A bit weak in power but it might be ok.
IRC connections can be limited and hence the bandwidth can be controlled. If you limit webserver connections, then browsing comes to a crawl.
Torrents is “fault tolerant”. Many machines passing around and broken connections and reconnections are rechecked by the torrents.
IRC is not immune to broken connections. DDL can be problematic if the web browser cannot do partial download and resume from last broken connections.
Therefore Torrents is still better.
@KarL……Overall, I agree with you, too. Torrent can continue my unfinished DCC file, too XD
I was about to suggest just that. It’s not that expensive. Crib old parts, build a beast. DON’T USE FUCKING WINDOWS!!!
LINUX is very easy to use and is born to network. I recommend Mint or Debian.
Teach me how to use that. Though I need money to make a Debian server. (unless if you can also teach me how to dual boot Windows 7 and Debian, virtualing won’t work)
@LostLogia4: Yo, just write me at
Once I have your email addie, I will send you some easy-to-follow instructions on how to dual-boot your system. (I need to check on some stuff. Haven’t really touched Windows since XP service pack 2).
To dual-boot a Hackintosh and Linux, simply use Chimera. For Windows, simply Google-search for a compatible boot-loader. I imagine SUN Microsystems has an open-source version.
Debian is a flavor of Linux that is optimized for media server functions.
I also saw somewhere on this page , one of you mentioning using a Celeron processor.
Very bad idea, especially considering what you want it to do (i.e. hosting and serving files).
Celeron processors are notoriously buggy with media streaming and large file transfer (something to do with a cache-transfer bottleneck). You can get Core Duo’s now for cheap and they are BUILT for this sort of thing. Prices are way down since they are now effectively 2 generations behind the Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge iCore chips. The literally $10 dollars you would save comes with a severe reduction in processing power. [“The cake is a lie!”]
anyway, hit me up and I’ll try to help you out. why? “Cause I love you guys.
~ peace
I hope you will continue with DDLs. It has always been the easiest way of getting media and other stuff for me. I have never trusted torrents, mostly because I have heard some stories. I have also bought a real-debrid account like dexter and I must say I enjoy having access to so many filehost. Torrents speed is also rarly as fast as DDL and are weakened over time with fewer seeders. The only downside is when you use sites like depositfiles that has very limited downloadspeed for free users and almost never works with debrid sites. If I were to suggest a DDL site it would be sharingfiles at the moment, because it is cheap, but I don’t know if it gives money to uploaders.
I actually check our torrents multiple times a day and reseed “wanted torrents” with multiple leechers and no seeders all the time.
I also respond to reseed requests on our forums when people ask nicely (just don’t bother asking for a single ep reseed, cos I’ll tell you to download batch or wait for the batch).
Usenet FTW!!
True that!
Super long retention + maxes out your connection speed + SSL encryption = win
Is it a pain in the ass to configure & use Usenet / Freenet?
It’s so much easier now than it was 5+ years ago. The software and tools have really improved. Here’s a couple good tutorials:
I don’t understand why the fansub groups prefer DDL, XDCC and Torrents over Usenet.
You just have to upload the file once and it’s available to everyone for 3-4 years. And it’s super fast. When my connection’s maxed out, I can download a complete 26-episode 1080p series in under an hour.
The price for premium access is crazy these days. You can get 500GB of downloads for $20. With NZB sites and software like SABnzbd, it’s so easy to use. Forget DDL sites and Torrents. Usenet is awesome.
They have steep learning curve (Dl may be easy, but how to UL?), not to mention, you still have to pay them.
You can say forgot torrents now, but I’d say, let’s play fair and let the copyright advocates busy their hands with torrent for a while, boy.
Uploading isn’t much more complicated than downloading. Just split the file with QuickPar, write a simple NFO file, and upload it. Here’s a tutorial:
500GB for $20? What provider? Do they have non-expiring block accounts?
I don’t use usenet much (only for old/obscure things), so I went with a $50 for 500GB non-expiring and non-renewing block account at Usenet-News. Bought it way back in 2008, and still have 170GBish left, so I probably won’t have to buy another block for another year or two
NewsgroupDirect frequently has sales on Block accounts. It’s usually either 500GB for $20 or 1TB for $40. Here’s details on the current sale.
I prefer the unlimited plans at Astraweb. But I’ve had a block account at NewsgroupDirect in the past, and the servers were fast with good retention. The block accounts never expire. And they give you an extra 10% to cover header downloads, so it’s actually 550GB for $20.
If you’re ever looking for newsgroup deals, just go to Slickdeals and search for “usenet”. There’s a price war going on, so crazy deals pop up all the time.
I use to use DDLs before MU got shut down then I started to learn about XDCC at first it was confusing but, I figured it out fast enough and, I’ve been sticking with XDCC ever since
hmm i’d say just go w/ torrents and xdcc. since if u snoop around a bit, you would see many anime sites giving out mirror DDL. e.g animetosho, animetake, anime-sharing and etc.. BTW why not try filefactory? (FF maxes out my DL w/ the use of prem. cookies + IDM ^_^)
Lol, those sites existing (AnimeTake and etc), cashing in on our fansubs (and other groups) is another discussion for another day.
I agree, it’s unfair for them to cash in on your hard work. At the very most they should give you credit and a small token of appreciation, same with any group they steal stuff from.
But you’re right. Best discussed another day
they profit? imean correct me if i’m wrong it’s not like they sell ur fansubbed vids or anything right? they just profit through their DDL links e.g certain amount ppl DL = $ (well that’s how DDL sites work). moreover i think it’s inevitable, since at the end of the day some people will profit using other ppl’s work. well that’s how the world works. P.S im not defending them LOL just wanted to have a clearer view on your take. @rawr they credit the fansub grp by at least not renaming the filename. XD
I’ve heard of websites selling fansubbed anime to people, but I think what Holo means is advert revenue, and the DDL thing.
Popular streaming websites can make a lot of money in advert revenue from other peoples work.
I don’t use streaming websites personally, just seen it discussed enough times on forums etc.
Lol, streaming sites are another discussion for another day. Some of those sites make obscene amounts off ads.
Will FileFactory end up like DF? Who knows?
It makes me remember that I had to use some free FF leecher out there to download from FF. But now when I can get my file over XDCC, that was all in the past
from what I heard on the other site that I joined, those ppl get paid for every link they reported. I didn’t use DDl anymore since torrents and XDCC is available and gives great speeds.
maybe it’s time we all should move to torrents and XDCC since it won’t be deleted unless you guys are the one who want it deleted.
thanks for everything that you give us, hope something like this won’t trip you ever again
I’ll say, Usenet would be a good alternative if it was free, but considering Usenet requires paid subscription, it’s almost as bad as buying DVDs, except that the money doesn’t go to the company to aid in their efforts to license more shows and hire better staff.
Usenet requires a paid newsgroup provider. But these days it’s so cheap, you’re talking about pennies per series.
You can get a 500GB block on sale for $20, and that’ll probably last most people a year or more. The average 720p 12-episode series is around 4GB. That’s about $0.16 for a complete show.
But believe it, not every people in the world wants to give, even a small pennies just for downloading stuff…
I had a FS premium account last year until early 2012, I maxing my connection at that point 30 mbps.
When FS started being a dick I decided to focus on torrents because that was the only alternative I knew how to use.
Not long after that I learned how to download from XDCC and it’s nearly as fast as my previous FS premium account, I always get at least 1 MB/s from Doki|Homura which is the one that I use the most. I use torrents for PVs and other stuff I guess.
DDL without a premium account were always shitty in my opinion. The best I got from a non-premium account was about 400 KB/s, which is surely fast for some but really slow in my opinion.
LOL why did it end up here when I posted the comment at the bottom
U forgot to click Cancel reply XD
Actually, 500GB won’t get me very far with the ammount of anime I download, especially since I always go for 1080p. :-/
Same here, 500GB would probably last me around a month… <<
Heavy downloaders (250+GB/month) usually get an unlimited account. Those are around $10-$11 per month. Sometimes you can find them on sale for $7-$8 per month.
If you’re downloading that much each month, you should definitely look into usenet. Torrents are fine for occasional downloads. But usenet is so much better for hardcore downloading.
Also check out some cool usenet tools like Sickbeard and CouchPotato. Just tell it what you want to watch. It’ll automatically find the files, download them, and organize them.
I thought it may have something to do with the recent passed legislation by the communist congress whores doing the bidding of the Nazi RIAA. Something about the coming July 12th with regards to the ISP companies itself?
Where is Adolf Hilder’s brain when you need it?
I’m hoping the Megaupload case falls apart like it should and the service either comes back or something new that’s bigger and better takes it’s place, and all the filelocker sites get bigger and better again as well.
They are great to have, but until the legal case is settled one way or the other, everyone is hedging their bets and playing it safe, which apparently means disabling a lot of accounts.
I have written before that using Firefox and Chatzilla extension will let you download by IRC.
Perhaps the FAQ can include instructions on using Firefox + Chatzilla to download by IRC.
Now that u mention it, so now people can get access to XDCC so much easier than before
whichever OS that they use, as long as they have Firefox 
I’ll see if I can write up a quick guide on how to use Firefox + Chatzilla to download Doki’s material via IRC. Hopefully it can be made available on Doki for everyone. Chatzilla is free. XDCC need $.
Hopefully by this week end.
The downside would be that if everyone use IRC, we all will be queuing for the transfer.
There are plenty of bots, lol.
If DDL accounts and sites are being pulled left, right, and centre, wynaut use multi-upload services like or ?
I did this some months ago and my DDL link/s are still alive even when hosters go poof.
Mabey if you up the donation’s and host ddl’s. You should put them in the forum somewhere. (not on blog front page) For registered user’s only, and not announce them to promote the torrent’s and xdcc but still have a DDL for backups and the minority. But not have them ” in the open ” so to speak. I dunno if this is a good idea but i though id toss it out there.
DDL sites were ment tof fail. Illegal content or not, those sites started showing up on the front page on google making it even for 90 year old grandma’s easy to download. It’s like yelling in front of a police station you sell drugs and then being surprised you got caught.
Like the old days, a FTP server is alternative for DDL. Else Torrents are still going strong, seedboxes can be build cheap. XDCC might be confusiong at first but with a small tutorial everyone should be able to download.
There’s no need for DDL all over the internet being accessable for everyone. Things went wrong because it was so damn easy that every idiot started using it and flooding the internet with links to copyrighted material.
To protect the community keep a low profile.
OMG, I have to give two thumbs for ur post. It’s so clear, so comprehensive, and objective.
^ i have to agree here, thumbs up!
Indeed, it’s refreshing to see posts like this.