Ahem, forgot to update the post >_>
Anyway, yes, we’re slow. Remember when this show used to come out within 24 hours of airing? I miss those days too…
HD: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER – 21 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [378C45A2].mkv
SD: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER – 21 (848×480 h264 AAC) [87F9E39A].mkv
Thank you!
Slow or not, you guys are still the best sub group for iDOLM@STER. Keep up the good work.
Miami International Airport o.o
I miss those days too… when Holo would whip you guys to work harder and faster. :p
Seconded that.
I’ve been tempted to switch to another group several times due to these delays, but honestly? subgroup loyalty trumps all.
Thanks for the work, not much more to go!
I, for one, thank you. I’m part of the IM@S team, and I’m as frustrated with the delays as you are.
Luckily this season has been pretty good for me, so I’ve had plenty to watch anyway. If there was ever a time to have a show delayed a little, this was the time for it to happen.
It’s been worth the wait, regardless.
I can assure you, you’re not the only one troubled by the delays.
your version is worth waiting, Thanks for the release!!!
And i feel ya with those power cuts man… its gonna be summer here and then around here is gonna be all lights out darn it.
Thanks Doki!
Even if it’s slow, I still appreciate you keeping up with this
Well, its hard when the staff have their RL thing conflicts with the subbing thing… Thanks for the hard work and the release!
I blame the cold weather, it’s no conincidence that when the temps dropped in England, and things became really cold outside, the releases slowed
Joking aside this weather sucks. It’s so friggin cold outside.
So sorry I watched it on streaming but its bad quality, still downloading this for a marathon watch after all ep’s are complete. Thank You.
Thanks for all your hard work, doki. I’d rather wait and get something produced with high quality than have a rush job.
*Slow?*Ahem, yes but no, thank you Doki!
fail as always… hurry the fuck up.
Are you going to resume doing the extended web previews? There hasn’t been one since episode 17 so I was wondering if they have been dropped?
When the next episode release?
I started with doki. So I’ll end it with doki.
when will you continue i am watching your release and i want to finish with your release
See below.
Are you gonna be releasing the final 4 episodes altogether and include them in a batch?
No. We’ll be releasing them when the ass of a TL stops being an ass and translates them.
Please do not think of it in a wrong way but its been a month since we last heard from the series.
See above.
Is there anyone else who has time to translate? Though asking someone else to translate might make the last 4 episodes feel different.
TL just wants to keep Santa Miki all to themselves.
It is the only logical answer.
Have you dropped this show?
UPDATE: Not a goddamn thing is happening. We bitch and bitch at the TL and his ass remains firmly planted. If someone would be kind enough to DDoS Pixiv, perhaps he might decide to work on the show to fill what would be a gaping hole in his existence.