Well, as you can see, things didn’t go so very smoothly with this one. We’re back on track now.
Thanks to those of you who actually waited. You have our gratitude.
Enjoy! I know I did.
HD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 02 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [F899E0F6].mkv
SD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 02 (848×480 h264 AAC) [96A7B988].mkv
HD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 03 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [41305581].mkv
SD: [Doki] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai – 03 (848×480 h264 AAC) [B56313E7].mkv
Thanks guys!
Thanks 😀
nice view
I see ass :3
Thanks !
thanks people!!
it’s always worth the wait 😛
nice pic btw, love the “what??” expression on her face
Anime of the season? no, but it’s still to funny not to watch 😀
What’s better?
Guilty Crown
“Guilty Crown”
Lol, no.
HGH = Haters Gonna Hate
Lol, YES. Your taste is fail.
After watching the first two episodes, no, definitely not the best of the season, but still good
Wow, I say Guilty Crown and practically everyone gangs up on me but two other people say Mashiro-Iro which is clearly inferior to Guilty Crown in writing, art , and animation. Somebody even said Boku no Pico XD. You people are all crazy lol
Boku no Pico.
Mashiro Iro
Shana, Mirai Nikki, Mashiro-iro ( ¬‿¬)
Whats better? I can think of 4 right now. Last Exile, Working`!!, Hunter X Hunter and C^3.
One word: Penguins …
Been waiting, almost ready to give up, but fortunately there’s more than enough to keep up with this season.
No worry. Being late is totally different with dropping it, and therefore being late should be nothing much for leechers whom waiting for your releases.
Tyvm for double releases ^o^
She’s totally freeballing.
Am I the only one who thinks that this anime is totally boring? Except the ecchi scenes.
Pretty much.
well, if u compare to manga, pretty much…..
why would you compare it to the manga instead of the original work?
I lol’d.
That’s like comparing Dys and mogu.. but both of them stinx….
because i haven’t watch the LN, and manga looks funnier. but eehhhh, i still love Haganai TV. because it’s so beautiful
Lol, no.
Yahoo! Thanks for the releases!
Dat anatomy…
Dat view…
Just joking, I don’t waste my blood for things like this!
I do.
Mmm, guys, I love ya, you’re one of my favorite groups. But almost every single time I see your latest release post pop up, there’s always an explanation for why this or that caused you to be later than you’d hoped, and a promise that *next time* you’ll totally be on track.
Never actually happens though.
And before people get the pitchforks out and say I’m shitting on Doki, I’m not. Doki is not a particularly fast group and never will be and I think everyone gets that by now. If it’s a lower priority show I can wait on, or if there is no other acceptable group, I’ll wait at least a week for Doki. If not, then I don’t, but I’ll often archive Doki.
My point is just that you don’t need to try so hard to excuse what you perceive to be slow releases and promise that next time it’ll be fast when we know it won’t. Just release it. The people who want to wait will, and the people who don’t won’t, and saying it’ll be different for the next episode can’t do anything other than disappoint people who believe it.
– A Doki fan
I rarely say it’ll be different next episode unless it a: will or b: is meant to be. Also, I didn’t say we “will be” back on track here, I said we ARE back on track here. This show is not meant to be a speedsub, what it is, is meant to be released before the next episode airs. Which it wasn’t last week, and was this week.
Shitting on Doki or not, you seem to be reading far more than our posts actually say. ( ¬‿¬)
There are plenty of release posts on the front page which don’t say things like that either. Only shows like Haganai, and im@s say that.
Unless you refer to Chibi Devi, which really will be quicker this week, because it will be THIS week and not the same day the next one airs. XD
I was just trying to not look só perverted, but ok.
Today I think I lost all my blood. Dunno how i’m alive o.o
Thanks for the release 🙂
random question, i want to put an image right next to my name, how do i do it? 🙂
It’s related to wordpress gravatars. You’ll need to create a wordpress.com profile and add one from there, then use the same email address on wordpress and doki.
Thank you 😀
Awesome work as always! Waiting for the double release was certainly a nice change (instead of 1 episode- 2! Cool beans)
Yeah finally here. Now I can see my lovely Yozora <3
And nice ass pic lol…
Thanks guys!
umm question… what happend to the Fate/stay night 10 bit post? why you delete it? is it was so bad like the AB 10 bit or something? : o
This one?
I’m not quite sure what “is it was so bad like the AB 10 bit” means, but I’m pretty sure it’s an insult.
This was what I originally proposed for the release pic: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/1421/haga02.png