
The iDOLM@STER – 09

The iDOLM@STER - 09

Hello, here is episode 9 of im@s. Stop reading this post and go watch the episode. When you finish watching the episode, come back here. and continue reading.

Are you done watching? All right, then. The next episode preview told you to “check the website if you want to know the truth!”, correct? Well, unfortunately for you English-speakers, the website is only in Japanese. That’s why I’m here to give you a translation of what they posted on the website about the preview! Highlight the space below to see. (So as to not spoil the answers.)

The correct answer was Mami!
By the way, Nami is our sibling, who hasn’t appeared yet in the anime…
…supposedly, but she’s actually a completely different girl.
Yes, Nami is always within your heart!

Now, for the next piece of business: translator notes! As Ritsuko says at one point in this episode, “That’s quite a mixture[ of references]…” Allow me to explain every single reference mixed in at that point.

  • “With our little grey cells”: reference to a catchphrase of Hercule Poirot, a detective from Agatha Christie novels.
  • “and seven-colored faces”: reference to the tokusatsu series “Nana-iro Kamen“. It is a mystery series and often cited as one of the inspirations for Cutie Honey.
  • “in the name of our Grandmother and Grandfather”: reference to a catchphrase of Kindaichi Hajime, the main character from the mystery series Kindaichi Case Files.
  • “in the name of the moon”: reference to Sailor Moon’s catchphrase. The only reference NOT to a detective work.

HD: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER – 09 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [BF2DCCDB].mkv


SD: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER – 09 (848×480 h264 AAC) [D9475670].mkv


54 comments to The iDOLM@STER – 09

  • *0*

    mate i not lie

    there was v2 with your name on it (doki) and i was wondering why it not was in your site (i thought u may still uploading it and etc) the v2 right right seem to been removed , probably was fake and etc, so don’t get mad on me plz…

  • *0*

    * i don’t lie

    *in your name on it (“HOLO”)

    *the v2 right now is no longer there.

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