Blood-C just got good! On the downside, there’s censorship everywhere.
First of all, special thanks to Thaerin, sky_breakerz, Bardiache and supadupaultimate timer masat for helping out with the update of the OP/ED.
Especially Thaerin, who (after I had annoyed the fuck out of him) turned the ED into a piece of art!
I love working on this show with so many great people around me.
Rainierus is an outstanding TL who would never let me down. This, I have only realized today. Thank you, Rain. <3
Azure is a great partner to work with. It would’ve been abso-fucking-lutely boring without him around.Lyrics are the official ones. Yes, we can finally enjoy the derp OP and the beautifully poetic ED.
Deal with it.– Solstice
PPS. I apologize for the “heads” mistake in the last episode.
Akashic obviously saw more than just one head.
His DERPness is unfortunately incurable. Please forgive him.
PPPS. I’d like to thank Bardiche, because I don’t know who Bardiache is. – Akashic.
PPPPS. ERRRRR. You don’t know “Bardiache”? The one with HEADS. – Solstice
Edit: Updated with BD versions.
720p: Blood-C (2011) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC]
480p: Blood-C (2011) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
For a small town there sure are a lot of people. With so many people dying soon there won’t be anyone left!
ever seen shiki? sounds like that’s whats gonna happen haha.
There is a web cast like Manyuu for this show? Because is weird, episode 5 wasn’t censored. I really dislike these white flares and black lines, ruin the immersion.
unrelated, but how far might you be with kamisama dolls?
トップシークレット~!( T_T)\(^-^ )
And for those of us who can’t read hiragana? ; )
But that’s why it’s in Katakana!
He basically said it was a secret. The word is pretty generic..
Aha. Kei. ; )
He probably just likes messing with you.
Btw, Solstice is an incredibly powerful predator.
Ok then. SHE likes messing with Break.
Wow. What happened to this show? It just went all gorey o.O
That is SOOOO no like blood
you’ve never watch Blood+ before..? it’s from the same franchise.
I thought I knew you CLAMP T^T
or even Blood. 1. its in the title, and 2. have you seen the other things in the “blood” world. all gory.. and awesome
It may not be like Blood+ but it is better than the first few episodes of Blood-C lol. Also sidenote, I hope to see Shakugan no Shana III on your Fall ’11 list *fingers crossed*. Just watched the PV and damn….is that Yuji holding the Blutsauger!? No Yuji v Shana : (
yes its him^^ he goes villain later on. though if i woudlnt already knew that, i never woulde recognized him with his new hairstyle. well, maybe by the sword and the ring
dude this makes me sad
ep 7 has already been aired ………..
i don’t think so…
>talk about BakaTest in BLOOD-C comments section.
my friend I’m talking about Baka Ni
Both my favourite characters, finished in the same episode.
FINALLY those fuckin twins died. They are the most annoying piece of !@#$%^ I ever encountered in anime. They deserve a bloody death.
No, the fagly Class Rep is annoying and I genuinely hope that he’ll die next. In 4 days, to be exact.
The Class Rep should die. Yes he should. He’s a total creep.
Also, I didn’t like the twins either.
Thank you very much.
Cencorship really ruined this otherwise awesome episode. I’m going to wait for the BD for the sake of the artists work. I mean man, they have drawn those gore scenes with a lot of work, and then some TV-boss covers it with black or white.
But then again, the cencorship could be a clever way to increase the dvd sales… (-_-)p