Blood-C just got good! On the downside, there’s censorship everywhere.
First of all, special thanks to Thaerin, sky_breakerz, Bardiache and supadupaultimate timer masat for helping out with the update of the OP/ED.
Especially Thaerin, who (after I had annoyed the fuck out of him) turned the ED into a piece of art!
I love working on this show with so many great people around me.
Rainierus is an outstanding TL who would never let me down. This, I have only realized today. Thank you, Rain. <3
Azure is a great partner to work with. It would’ve been abso-fucking-lutely boring without him around.Lyrics are the official ones. Yes, we can finally enjoy the derp OP and the beautifully poetic ED.
Deal with it.– Solstice
PPS. I apologize for the “heads” mistake in the last episode.
Akashic obviously saw more than just one head.
His DERPness is unfortunately incurable. Please forgive him.
PPPS. I’d like to thank Bardiche, because I don’t know who Bardiache is. – Akashic.
PPPPS. ERRRRR. You don’t know “Bardiache”? The one with HEADS. – Solstice
Edit: Updated with BD versions.
720p: Blood-C (2011) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC]
480p: Blood-C (2011) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Mayo where?
its Subaru btw 😛
So the C in Blood-C stands for Censorship? Lol
I’m not watching this show, but just wondering.
What type of censorship? Gore? Blood? Fanservice? Considering the nature of this show, I’m leaning towards the former.
Gore. Like half of the ep was either black or white… Almost as bad as Gantz TV 😀
Was the cryptic comment just to troll? What sort of censorship? The anticipation is palpable as I wait all 5 minutes for the torrent.
Penguins are so great! <3
Aren’t they? <3
How good is this show? I only watched the 1st episode and really don’t like, but if this show is getting good maybe I will catch on.
How is this show compared to the old Blood+?
*I only watched the 1st episode and really don’t like it, but if this show is getting good maybe I will catch on.
You can’t compare BLOOD-C to BLOOD+. The first three episodes are focusing more on Saya’s surreal normal life she desperately wants to lead. This however changes with episode 4 as everything gets out of control.
They censored the scenes due to excruciating slaughter. I can handle a lot, but I’m really wondering if I should ever see those uncensored scenes.
Why would they censor gore?
Uhh… because it’s gore?
It’s not the nicest thing to see, even in anime.
Thanks for the release ^^b
one question…is doki will release BD for Blood-C when available since there’s censorship everywhere ?
We release BD for practically every show we do (only exception is Chu-Bra).
Yay! Nice think to hear XD
Banzai for doki staff…
Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!
erm did anyone notice the error?
Oops I forgot how to count, it seems.
its just funny because that’s the second time the same mistake is made the end of episode 5 said next episode was 5 and this one says the same. (posted screenshot in the last episode’s release)
Hey note to Doki fansub group can you guys post the Autumn 11′ shows cause im dying to see what you guys are going to sub
There was also an error like that at the end of episode 5. Where it said the next episode was episode 5.
Yea, I need more sleep lol.
On the plus side, they’re hardly errors worth mentioning. This is pretty much a solid release.
Wait are also going to be subbing Guilty Crown
The Doki Autumn 2011 Anime Schedule will be announced soon enough.
Ohhh and please sub the lastest hit show Mawaru Penguin Drum cause its so freaking funny and it involves the funniest penguins
Thanks for the episode!
I never knew!
Buttons have the power to reduce breast sizes!!
Amazing Epiphany…
Thanks or the episode Doki..
YES! My Saya is here again. Tonight I shall see this beauty. Me love the picture above. Saya <3
Censorchip? Oh come on…
Thanks Doki!
Solstice… Your post is so…
…energetic! Yes! Energetic!
As per usual!
lots of censored parts >___:p
Too bad Doki doesn’t drop shows. Otherwise here would have been a top contender.
Good luck with the rest of the show. This will be my last comment on Bloody-[C]encorship.
On other notes, I am also curious to know what Doki will be subbing next season, since I have become a regular viewer of your releases, and I love them!
I would love to see Doki doing Guilty Crown (noitaminA), Kimi to Boku (J.C. Staff, non-loli), Shana III, Tamayura: Hitotose (Directed by Satou Junichi awesomeness), UN-GO (noitaminA) and Toshokan Sensou Movie.
Thank you so much! Keep up your awesome work >.<
I know i’m obstinate but I still see a mistake, but this time in the subs.
(00:57) J’ai plus rien à croire; the sentence clearly says that the person was believing in something before but have nothing to believe in anymore because of the emphasis created by the word “plus”.
“J’ai rien à croire” would be “I have nothing to believe”
“J’ai plus rien à croire” would be “I have nothing to believe in anymore”
The word “plus” really brings another sense in that sentence.
(01:17) “À quoi je m’attends?” has nothing to do with the verb “attendre” (to wait). It means “What am I expecting?”. “What am I waiting for?” would be “Qu’est-ce que j’attends?”
Thanks for considering 😉
Thank you. I was trying to get someone French to confirm those lines, yet failed to find someone. Your help is appreciated and those lines will be updated.
No, thank you 🙂
happy to help my favourite fansub my own way.
Wow Nene and Nono-san died…
Damn! The twins were my favorite and they had to die!?
Of course 🙂
Argg!! My lovely twins had gone!
What on earth going on…
im cool with it, of course they were a fan fav. and 99% of anime will just take the overly predictable route.. but they didnt. they went and killed off a popular character. ballsy and will definitely cause outrage, but i like it cause it keeps you guessing. no one is safe
i cant believe this terrible censorship. im down with gore, i cant wait to see it uncensored. im thinkin about putting on hold till the dvd/blu ray just cause half the damn ep is ruined. ok thats a lie. ill keep watching, but ill definitely be bitching about it..
I can’t remember when they started censoring things in anime as much as they do now, although Gantz was brought up as a good counter example. Seems like it just sneaked up on me. I feel like there was less censorship the farther back in time as I recall. I guess its hard to tell whether the censorship itself is getting worse or if its actually the content of shows that’s getting more extreme. Either way, this show is still too delicious to stop and wait for BD so I will still be grabbing eps in the meantime and replace them as BD come out. Keep up the great work!
I think it has been there for a while now but lately instead of using a picture to censor, it’s now a white flash through the screen which makes it more annoying then seeing a dogs head where genitals were suposed to be.
Hopefully an uncensored version will be released asap.