Wonderful news indeed. Arr-nii has informed me that Lucky Star WILL be getting a Blu-Ray box set, and my immediately response was of course “We’re doing it!”
Source: Here, here and this pic.
– Lucky Star BD-BOX 5/27 39900yen(source). 24eps in 4 discs +
1. Lucky Star in Budokan (2 discs)
2. Special features 1 disc
– non-credit OP (lyrics included)
– best scenes
– Lucky Star Channel in ShinTokyo Circuit
– Lucky Star Racer Digest
So the BD will be 480p upscale. Source: Here
This changes my plans slightly (no 1080p) but you will still see a 720p and a 480p.
Subs: Edited a.f.k. (maybe Edited EnA as well) for the series and EnA for the OVA.
720p: h264 FLAC
480p: h264 AAC
I’m really happy that you choose to do this serie…. it,s one of my all-time favourites.
I have watched it many times over both in the EnA version and in the a.f.k. version, and I have to say that it seems to me that EnA’s was far better. Would you not consider to go with their script?
That said, I don’t speak japanese so I can’t exactly point my finger on why a.f.k’s feels worst…
Just for the record, I’ve started doing both now, so…
Also I noticed this in EnA’s third episode.
The beautiful character…
With the large breasts…
And various other turn-ons?
Not to mention a whole bunch of other things like “hot dogs,” etc. :>
aww, no true HD :'[
same pattern with Seto no Hanayome….. too bad….
Why FLAC for 720p. Sobs** I rather have the audio for 720p is AAC,etc.
why flac? u said that making 720p+FLAC an odd combination…
If there is no longer 1080p. then 720p is the highest resolution, and should use FLAC. It’s not finalised yet though, I might change my mind.
I do hope so that FLAC for 720p doesn’t appear.
I support FLAC for 720p!! but considering it was upscaled from a SD quality to HD quality it’s still sad… but well.. i hope it’d look better than the dvd’s >.<!!
fuck upscales
Just a little disappointed that it isn’t in true HD, but, hell, what can you do?
On the subject of FLAC for the 720p– I personally think it’s a bit too much, and would rather have them exclusive for 1080p releases (coming from someone who downloads the 1080p versions of most of Doki Blu-Ray releases).
But there is no 1080p so 720p Flac is the most reasonable choice for those who want HQ stuff. Its only a few MB’s difference…it wont kill anyone.
aww lolz and i was hoping for 1080p LS =/ shit just hit the fan
Well THAT’S disappointing.
+1 vote for FLAC! I don’t see why people don’t like it… In this day and age where Hard Drives are becoming larger and cheaper, there shouldn’t be any reason to want a lossy format… If it’s a compatibility problem, on the other hand, this tells you that you need to update, and soon.
Too bad about the upscales though, but I do have to say that I’m not surprised to hear that they are. Quality should still be better than DVDs anyways.
This is an archive-quality release. FLAC is absolutely necessarily.
Sucks about the upscale, though.
NO FLAACCC. Option for no Flac please.
Oh by the way check that blog on the home page. SZS is coming out with BD’S!! Please do those.
it’s a killer show…yeah..definitely..
Yeah so is Baccano!, Maria Holic Eve no Jikan and Soul Eater, makes me wish that Doki had enough time to work their magic on ALL of these great shows…
I VOTE FOR NO FLAC (720p). Please >.<
if you dont want FLAC, re-encode + remux.
I’m glad you are still doing these even though they are SD up-converts. Anything is better than afk’s old xvid batch
Pretty funny how people frown on upscales but whenever a JP company shits out QTEC’d upscale AIDS (that looks even worse than what you can do with AviSynth upscale-wise) people are suddenly totally fine with upscales. What the fuck?
And yes, it’s very likely to be a QTEC upscale since no company in Japan seems to be able to release an SD upscaled Blu-ray these days without having QTEC AIDS all over it.
i read this was gonna be dual audio do u plan on doing english patches like haruhi i dont mind if u dont do dual audio i liked both the english and japanese dub
Hellow again Doki/Holo, this is the first time ive heard that Lucky Star is gonna get a BD.. haha wew nice.. by the way i read the tag “Here” you posted in lucky star.. it seems only SD’s will be released T_T… so umm when will be able to see your releases on Lucky Star? ^_^
I have small question,could you tell me,please,will you also gonna sub extras? {Lucky Star In Budokan concert}
I would like to ask if there is going to be dual audio in this release? And if are those who bitch and complain about the dual audio wasting space could I request at least a xdelta patch?
we want lucky star liveshow
*Implodes into another universe where Lucky Star is available in true 1080p
>Edited a.f.k.
I wonder what exactly does this mean. Since afk’s subs were very localized, changing them into more literal subs can be hard. I liked afk’s subs as they were though.
Also, please put those long notes on references and whatever into a seperate sub track, if you are going to do those. It shouldn’t be too hard and it adds a lot enjoyability to some of us who don’t need to know every 70s mecha reference or like to figure them out ourselves.
Thank you!