The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.
Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:
- 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
- 1280×720 h264 AAC
- 848×480 h264 AAC
I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.
From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.
I will include multiple subtitle streams:
- a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
- a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
- songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
- Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.
As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.
I am still taking suggestions. Post away.
Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8
As far I can tell is that you’re the best group doing this release. No ordered chapters and a.f.k subs are the best choice after all. Also nice option for the guys who likes the dubs. I’m just wondering about the order of the episodes, can we vote about that? I think airing order is best suitable for the series, since its meant to be watched this way… great job anyways
Nah, no need to do it in air order. You can just make your own playlist, I’m planning on making a couple.
Are you planning to do the Haruhi-chan Blu-Rays?
They’re being done. They will be complete soon.
IMO #1, I would personally like the “songs/signs only” sub track NOT to be included by default since the Dub isn’t included by def. Seems logical to keep that sub stream as optional since the Dub is optional as well (have it as an optional mux via patch too).
IMO #2, don’t include the official subs by def. if you’re already having both un- and localized a.f.k scripts… overkill.
But meh, just nitpicking a very good plan for release.
> I would personally like the “songs/signs only” sub track NOT to be included by default
I disagree. Some of us know enough Japanese to actually understand what they are saying, but have not enough kanji-fu to actually read the signs.
I hope 1080p is top priority.
Unfortunately, Haruhi 1080p is a rather poor upscale. 1080p is therefore not priority. However, I will release in 1080p, so be patient.
D= Can you at least give 1080p priority for S2’s episodes, since those are originally in HD?
I LOVE YOU!! just a btdub
I’m not sure if this is already suggested here (or if you already thought about this), but given your description of what you’re planning to do I’d like the following. When you use that patch to mux in the English audio, the default subs would go to the songs/signs only stream. I have next to no idea how it all works, but I assume it wouldn’t be hard to do.
Thanks in advance.
I’m pretty sure that even for those getting the English dub audio, the majority would still prefer the Japanese audio + full subtitle track as the default.
100+ captures comparison
It seems 720p will be enough for most people.
I’m a bit disappointed at the loss of details for the first season. Couldn’t they just re-animate the whole thing?
(too expensive, i know)
1080p is really not worth it, at least for S1. Hopefully S2 is in real HD
Did you even see that pics on the site that “sensei” linked? S2 was drawn in true HD. (On a side note: The Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody DVD came with 1080p screencaps of certain parts in the episode as extras, and that site offers two of those for comparison with the BD.)
Hell yeah, hope that you will release this soon. You guys encode those episodes your self? What do you think about Zero Raw version of this?
You mean you’re using Hitsuji’s afk softsubs, right?
No update since two days. What’s up?
they are downloading. we can do nothing but wait patiently =.=
anou, will you guys sub Haruhi Movie too?
any news on the progress doki?
I’d also like to know this now >.>
Any development on this project ?
Why are people against dual-audio? Having it ready there would be preferable, as those who dislike the dub can simply ignore it.
File size issues.
I suppose that’s reasonable. File size has never been much of an issue for me, but I can understand why it might be for some people. I’ll just mux the audio in later, it should be fairly easy to do.
One thing I still don’t get is why other places release 720p episodes with FLAC audio and have ridiculous file sizes. I mean, if could afford a lot of storage space and a good sound system I should be able to afford a 1080p monitor or tv as well. This is why I prefer Doki as the releases usually are scaled to the needs of the users, and are not bloated.
That’s my thinking, if you have the space to store FLAC, you’ll be going for 1080p anyway, making 720p+FLAC an odd combination, imo.
Are you guys encoding them or still downloading the disks? My drool is all over the place…
Running out of hdd space, had to get more hdds lol
I’ve always wondered where fansubbing groups store their anime files.
I store my files locally (I have over 10TBs of total HDD space) as well as on rented servers (limited space though)
when will you get more HDD?
bad news here… =.=
hoping the size per video not exceed 400 mb..
i don’t have much space left in my hard drive.
Average episode filesize will be about 400, i think.
that’s reasonable filesize but… Any development, Holo?
This is so cool. I was really irritated when I found out they weren’t doing English dub blu-rays. I am super grateful for this folks.
thank you for your work first!
I see that Doki is really busy this spring season, but is there any chance of the usual fast stream of releases of this before the Clannad After Story BDs come out? It seems like this project is on its deathbed. XD
Have faith in me…
Did this ever happen?