
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.

Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:

  • 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
  • 1280×720 h264 AAC
  • 848×480 h264 AAC

I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.

From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.

I will include multiple subtitle streams:

  • a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
  • a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
  • songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
  • Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.

As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.

I am still taking suggestions. Post away.

Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8

278 comments to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

  • kevin

    You should first work on becoming 10% as good as a.f.k. before you mutilate their scripts with your little “improvements”.

  • Sandy Wich's Boy

    On the subject of the dub audio, I would say leave it in but set the default audio track to Japanese and subs on.,

    I’m actually in the camp that preferred the dub on this, it was quite good.

    And do please take every measure to totally unlocalise afk’s fucked up scripts, they butchered it to hell.

  • Adam

    Leave the eng.

    What’s a few extra Mbs in the age of highspeed internet?

  • Dual Audio should be a separate download which can be muxed by whoever wants it. Seriously, it so so friggen simple to add, you can even set it as default as you are doing it. For those who have no idea on how to mux it, zip the appropriate files and write a readme, take you a whole of 5 minutes.

    & please do ‘un-localize’ a.f.k’s scripts. They weren’t terrible, but in my opinion any attempts to ‘localize’ subs always creates a sub-par experience. It oft ruins immersion.

  • phro

    add dual audio please

  • SHN

    On the subject of the dub audio, I would also say leave it in but set the default audio track to Japanese and subs on

    a few extra Mbs is nothing.

    Thank you very much

  • You mean Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu?

    Release date is Dec 18 and it’s under ‘planned projects’. So I assume it’s going to be done. *Unless everyone gets kidnapped by fairies*

    • No, this is talking about the Bluray release of all 28 episodes of the TV series.

      Shoushitsu is also being done (we’ll do it if I have to TL it myself, not likely though since the BD has subs), but you are correct about the release date for it.

  • papsi

    Because someone has suggested to release the English dub for the 1080p release ONLY, like Heroic Age from CoalGirls (more precisely, Tenshi), I’m forced to post again.

    Please, that decision would be the worst of all. 1080p lovers were shocked with the 60+ GB size, and 720p+dub lovers were left in the dust. Imagine those that prefer 720p releases with English dub. They were forced to download 60+ GBs to get the 1080p release (just for the dub), THEN mux out the English dub, THEN download the 720p release, and THEN remux the 720p release with the English dub. Disaster!

    Really, don’t include the dubs, but if you must, pack it as separate audio files, that is probably the most neutral choice.

  • No dual audio plz , it just increases the size and like you said very few ppl watch it in eng audio

  • Dami

    lol if you care about the size just get the 480 version..
    i think that 1080p should be done as close as possible to the bluray which includes DualAudio~

  • macgeek417

    Wait, the Japanese BDs have dual-audio? o.O

    • 88817871

      Happens sometimes. When there is already an R1 release, the rights to the dub and subtitles often revert to the original Japanese rightsholder. When the Japanese want to re-release the show, they can put those on for minimal cost. It acts as a cute little “extra” that some Japanese fans are interested in. And of course it makes it more palatable to importers.

      Like, I’m importing the JP BD instead of buying the R1 DVD. Now granted subs/dubs didn’t factor into my decision much but it’s still nice to see – even if I don’t give a shit about dubs and think the official subs are shit.

      So much love to Doki for fixing afk’s subs while releasing this.

  • MonChi

    The reason I recommended the download option Reference

    “I recommend this:

    For the First set of the Blu-ray release: include the English Audio track in a separate torrent”…

    rather than a poll is because not everyone that visits this site take the poll question seriously. Also, not everyone who visits the site even answers the poll question.

    However, most of the visitors in this site will most likely download a Fansubbed anime. I mean, that is what they came for right?

    Also, if size matters.. I recommend these:

    In 1080: Include Dual Audio because size doesn’t matter here. Also, the ones who download these most likely has a Average to Fast Internet connectivity

    In 720: include Dual audio (compressed), for those who doesn’t want quality to suffer too much but considers the file size.

    In 480: Don’t include dual audio. you don’t want to bloat their space on these.

    Also, to those who doesn’t want the Dual Audio on their HD, you can just demux them (is that too much work?)

  • 88817871

    “Addendum: Every effort will be taken to un-localise a.f.k’s scripts. This means you will see Eastern name order, honorifics etc”

    Fuck yes you are amazing.

    Thank you so much. Finally I’ll have a reference copy of Haruhi in BD.

    <3 <3 Doki.

  • Perfect Chaos

    Ugh…so I actually spent the time to read over the 170+ posts on here, only to have to go through ~150 posts about whether it should include or exclude the English dub. I’m glad that the problem is resolved (and in the best way possible, IMO); just wished it was solved 100 posts earlier… XD

    I guess I’ll add in my opinion, if anyone cares…
    I typically only watch Japanese audio, and only viewing the English dub of shows that I like to see how they are. But even though I mostly enjoy the Japanese audio, I found the English dub of Haruhi to be better than a lot of English dubs out there; it’s not the best, but it’s up there, IMO. But of course, the Japanese cast for Haruhi was pretty much perfect, so it’s pretty much impossible for any Haruhi dub to be better than the Japanese dub.

    So I’m very glad that the English dub will still be available for separate download. But now that this issue is taken care of, I really wish people would stop talking about whether they want the dub included or not (since I’m still seeing it pop-up occasionally).

    On a related note, I noticed that this hasn’t been brought up, yet…
    What audio format will the English dub track be in? Since it’s optional, I would suggest FLAC (but then people who get the 720p and don’t want FLAC will complain). But making it AAC would make people like me a little disappointed. But whatever; I won’t complain whichever way you decided to encode the English audio, as I appreciate what you guys are doing and don’t want to give you any more grief than you are already getting from others.
    Even though I’m already importing the BD from Japan, I appreciate you guys for releasing this, since I definitely would want a digital copy of my favorite series in it’s complete entirety. Plus, as “sadasda” said, Bandai Entertainment’s subtitles were very bad, so having a digital copy with a.f.k.’s subs is definitely a lifesaver.

    And speaking of a.f.k.’s subs: it’s good to see that you are un-localizing it a bit (or a lot? [but that’s not the point]), since despite how accurate their translations are, they do go a little far with localizing it.

    Also, another question relating to the release that hasn’t been brought up: are you going to include the S1 previews for the episodes in your release? Either with the episodes or as separate files?
    What Hitsuji did on their DVD release (using a.f.k.’s subs), was included both the broadcast preview AND the (less entertaining) DVD order previews with the correct episodes for the two different orders. Then they also had a separate blank video file, and using Ordered Chapters to play the whole thing is any of the three orders, with or w/o OP/ED/Previews, and played the correct preview depending on the viewing order. I don’t expect something like this for this release (since it’ll definitely lag if the computer has to process 28 1080p video files all at once to RAM with ordered chapters), but it’ll be nice if you included both previews with the episodes that they belong to, if possible.
    (If you do release it like this, I’ll probably use the Editions feature that MKV has to make this even better, for personal use [and anyone else who wants it, I guess]…or I’ll probably get lazy and not do it since it’s more work than it’s worth. LOL)

    Well, I hope you can answer my two questions regarding the dub audio format and the previews, and thanks again for your time and dedication! 🙂

  • anon

    Can you release the unedited a.f.k scripts somewhere? Kind of have a soft spot for them. Will definitely be getting this. I also didn’t like the dub of this, so I’m glad you’re not doing dual audio.

    Thanks, for this.

  • Index

    “From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily.”

    okay…this is WIN-WIN solution 😀

    even I can hear its English dub 😀

  • “Addendum: Every effort will be taken to un-localise a.f.k’s scripts. This means you will see Eastern name order, honorifics etc”

    Music to my ears. This was the one thing that irked me with a.f.k’s subs, even though they are already pretty good. Doki shall make the perfect, definitive, archival quality release that is worthy of the name ‘Haruhi’.

  • name required

    just include both the original and the delocalized script in your rip.

    bam, weeaboo vs westaboo faggotry avoided, just like that.

  • Imad

    I’m fine with the honorifics and such as long as you don’t touch their editing

    Agreed on the comment about muxing in an untouched version of their script too.

  • Orcus

    “Addendum: Every effort will be taken to un-localise a.f.k’s scripts. This means you will see Eastern name order, honorifics etc”

    That’s too good to be true, thank you!!!

  • jmaeshawn

    Yay for Eastern name order and honorifics!

    Yay for Haruhi in HD 🙂 🙂

  • dizzle83

    Thanks, Doki. I love you guys. Fansubbers and scanlators are my people. I also heartily approve of original name orders and honorifics. Some things just don’t translate well and it takes very little effort to pick up the meaning if you pay just the slightest amount of attention.

    Now, as to the episode order. I’m one of the masses who when first watching Haruhi were confused by the events that made me feel as if I’d missed an episode or so but, again, a little research clued me into the fact that they were released in non-chronological order and I decided to trust in this unusual choice of the directors (though chronological order lists were available at the time). I quickly came to enjoy the series as released and even felt a sort of mad genius in the way the show was given to us.

    Try and think back to your captivated confusion in just that first episode alone. The impact and how it drew you in immediately even without exactly understanding the surrounding events. I can’t really continue my case without revealing spoilers, but I say again that there was something special about the way it was originally done and I can’t help but feel that it will be lost if we change the order now. If you’ve ever taken an art class you know that the way a picture is cropped/framed can really enhance the image itself.

    Original isn’t the same as good (Endless Eight . . . /wrists), but the first season of Haruhi was golden. Please consider giving it to others the way it was given to you.

    • 99990

      I was a veryveryveryvery strong supporter of broadcast order for the 2k6 airing. It was, indeed, central to the communal experience of what made Haruhi such a phenomenon. I absolutely love how they did it and defended it against any and all who tried to downplay its significance.

      However, that was then. Haruhi is no longer a 14 episode show, it’s a 28 episode show. And those 28 episodes were broadcast together in chronological order. Which I’m fine with.

      If someone still wants 2k6 broadcast order, I recommend they find a chart and just watch the episodes in that order. But in terms of how Doki should release *the* archival version of this 28 episode anime, I think they’ve made all the right choices so far.

      • dizzle83

        I can’t say with certainty that it would be wrong to release them in chronological order. Perhaps I am just clinging to the past. It’s just that even today (as stated above) I find the original order compelling in a very unique way. It’s not often you get to realize that you’ve been seeing the “happily ever after” all along.

        Perhaps I am biased though. The second arc of season two forced me to treat the whole thing as non-existent so it doesn’t really enter into my continuity concept.

        • Holo

          Besides, the BD itself is in chronological order, so I will release in whatever order the BD presents it to make life easier for me. It’s confusing if i have to jump back and forth.

  • anon

    Apparently this comes with official subs. I don’t know how much extra work it would be, I’m assuming you can just extract the subtitles, if so could you release those separate? I’m sure there are a few people out there like me that would like everything that comes with the blurays. If it’s anymore work than that though, don’t waste your time. Also if you could release the unedited afk scripts somewhere, I’d appreciate it, no need to put them in your actual release.

    Thanks, can’t wait till this is released.

    • Holo

      The official subs will need to be OCR’ed and this is a huge effort. They don’t include text streams, they include what is the BD equivalent of a vobsub.

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