
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.

Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:

  • 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
  • 1280×720 h264 AAC
  • 848×480 h264 AAC

I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.

From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.

I will include multiple subtitle streams:

  • a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
  • a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
  • songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
  • Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.

As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.

I am still taking suggestions. Post away.

Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8

278 comments to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

  • _NaMeLeSS

    The Dual Audio is not a requirement for me so it’s fine without the Dual Audio :3

  • Ametista

    No dual-audio, please.
    Also, I wish you will edit a.f.k. scripts. Sometimes they are absurdly westernized (“turn-ons” instead of “moe”, for example).
    Oh, and thanks for doing this project.

  • i’d prefer dual-audio but ether ways fine with me

  • Andros0

    As someone mentioned; if you don’t include the dual audio tracks, another group will remux your release and release it under their name anyway.
    Another group (Kira) “solved” the question by releasing the English dubs as a patch (for their Mai-Otome release) so whoever wanted it could d/l it separately & in that way everyone is happy.

    I know nothing about the process so if creating a patch like that is is a major undertaking, please forgive my ignorance.

  • Jumendez-sama

    The Dubs for this are awesome. They actually fulfill their roles well, and in Kyon’s case I found, outdid the original audio in fact.

  • kniteowl

    My god, Are you gonna release all 8 episodes of endless in blu-ray, I don;t think it’s worth archieving but whatever…

    As for the dual audio, I don’t really care as long as Jap audio and eng sub are on top so I don’t have to switch to them every time I watch Haruhi.

  • blazephantom

    I think it would be better to release the English audio separate and those who want it can download it themselves.

  • xbsquirrel

    I’ve heard that the dub for Haruhi was actually well done and would love it if you could produce the dual audio files.

  • luckytintinnz

    It’s probably best if you release ENG audio separately. That way everyone will be happy. I personally don’t care about ENG audio but if I have the extra bandwidth, I would get it for completion sake.

  • Index

    c’mon guys….

    why whould bother with an extra size if u can get more experience….?

    it’s anime we’re talking about. we watch anime for fun….

    if they give an extra audio, why not?

    people download 1920×1080 because we want highest enjoyment ┐(´д`)┌

  • amen665

    releasing the audio separately seems like a good idea for those that want. i myself prefer the subbed version.awesome….. just awesome. cant wait ^^

  • bestnone

    i still would prefer with japanese dub. they sound much nicer and natural than english dub and for dual audio is way too big for people who wants to keep haruhi as their collections.

  • Topboy

    I always d/l Dual audio version when possible cause I can’t understand Japanese language plus two choices better than one.
    However one group or another surely release it in Dual audio so I just only d/l from that group, that’s it.

  • Index

    everythings okay as long as i can get jap and eng dubs…. 😀

    if not, i’ll go find another source… @_@

  • sonikku10

    I’m sure a lot of people will appreciate the dual audio release. The English voice actors did a great job with Haruhi — It was one of the main factors in actually going out and buying the North American release (that and getting them autographed :D)

  • dan15ph

    I would not mind having a dual-audio release… actually, it is kind of interesting to hear them in english. 😀

    I like the 1280×720 version more. (worried that the 1920p may not play smoothly on not-so-powerful machines) 😀

    Thanks for planning to release it in chronological order.

    By the way, this release includes both the season 1 and 2 of the anime right?

    Thanks again Doki! 😀

  • Rawr

    “I will be releasing these in chronological order.”

    So that means you will release all TWENTY EIGHT (28!) episodes in chronological order, right?

  • CherryHawk

    If u do dual audio it means I’m gonna have to remux everything since I’m already penny pinching for hard drive space T.T Actually, if u do dual audio I’ll prolly still DL it and won’t remux everything out of laziness. I’ll just go pick some pennies off the streets XD

  • I’m actually interested in hearing the English dubs for this series. After hearing and reading about them doing a really good job, I’ve grown curious and wish to hear it for myself.

    I also ask that you would edit the scripts (for the same reasons mentioned by Ametista).

    Thanks for taking on this project! :3

  • Skunkie

    No dubs please…

    Did someone say the dub was awesome and even better than the original for Kyon?!? Really? Seriously? Then it seems like you already have the dub…so let’s not waste our disk space.

  • outlaw

    I generally pro-dub, but I felt the need to comment on people saying that the dub for Haruhi is good. I watched it in English first, and it was HORRIFIC. One of the worst dubs I’ve ever heard. You can’t honestly listen to it and say that Wendee Lee did a better job than Aya Hirano.

  • Star_

    Looking forward to this !

    as for the dub, I would just get rid of it, since I don’t think anyone can sound as cute as Aya xD

  • Leave the dub in, but of course make Japanese the default audio track.

    Haruhi and Mikuru might have been abominable in the dub, but Kyon, Koizumi and Yuki were solid.

    Pity the Russian dub isn’t on the BD’s… that one actually did justice to God Knows and Lost My Music (wasn’t as good as the original Japanese of course, but it was good nonetheless, something I can’t say for the English dub’s take on those two songs).

  • drago

    Be better if you guys keep both Eng and Jap audio.
    Only thing remaining is if the BDMV/ISO will be available the week of Haruhi BD release….knowing several other groups are readily in anticipation on releases.

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