The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.
Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:
- 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
- 1280×720 h264 AAC
- 848×480 h264 AAC
I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.
From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.
I will include multiple subtitle streams:
- a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
- a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
- songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
- Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.
As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.
I am still taking suggestions. Post away.
Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8
No to Dual Audio. If I get a dual audio release I always obliterate the english track
You say dual-audio bloats file size, yet you release in FLAC? Why so hypocritical?
Whatever, I just hope Thora does a dual audio release.
There is a difference between a necessary bloat and unnecessary bloat. That’s the point of this post.
but i don’t think dual-audio is unnecessary bloat….┐(´д`)┌
it gives u another experience….
u can make it dual audio for 1080p and not for 720p…
people who download 1080p shouldn’t complain about file size….it’s everything about Anime Experience
after all, we watch anime for enjoyment, right?
Fuck dual audio.
1080p, please. Don’t make my 50″ plasma go to waste.
Dual-audio sucks, don’t do it.
No, Do not do Dual Audio!
i would like to see dual audio with default as Jap, FLAC tracks don’t take much space…at least to me they don’t.
or you could just release them separately and those who want them can mux them for themselves, its simple. I don’t rly watch dub but somehow it makes you feel better when you have it Lulz =D would be great w/ DA.
If people are going to download 1080P with flac HQ audio i dont see why it would matter to add the extra audio track.
So yeah go with dual audio
People will download it either way <3
I see no reason for english dubs.
Also, the propesed versions are great as they are.
If the second track is commentary then you should add it
Dubs.. Naw just release separately
People come to Sub Groups for subs not dubs
DON’T waste time on the dub. Wasted space. If for some reason you do include it, absolutely make the Japanese track + subtitles default. Nothing is more annoying than the English dub being set default.
By the way do you think you’d have time to fix the name ordering in the subtitles? AFK’s tl was largely okay, but altered name order to be Westernized, a practice that is frowned upon by most competent fansubbers today.
i.e. Suzumiya Haruhi, not “Haruhi Suzumiya”
I could edit the subs myself in Aegisub with some find&replace, but if you use ordered chapters it gets so so so much harder to do for me because I can never seem to sync up right (supernoob in Aegisub).
Also, I forgot to say… thank you for releasing this!
I’m actually very happily paying hundreds of dollars to import this BD set, but I wouldn’t be able to suffer through the Bandai subtitles it’s using. And the official subs they used for the 2k9 episodes were *really* painful compared to Mazui’s.
BTW, why no Mazui for the 2k9 episodes? Theirs really was better than AFK.
No dual-audio please.
Also, thanks for releasing in chronological order, it is very appreciated.
I like an english audio track myself cause I like to make these files playable on my ipod, and the screen is to small for subtitles, how ever if you decide not to go with the dual audio, I will still be happy to download the series.
Also if you do the dual audio, can you make the english with no subs the default, it makes the converting process so much easier.
As much as I don’t like dual-audio, I say it would be better to go with it. Why? If you do single audio, one of the BBT fa- “people” like “joseole99” will mux in the dub, stick their name on it, and upload it to BBT and replace the official Doki version.
Maybe you should point out the differences between your and coalgirls bluray releases (picture comaprsion for instance),that way more people will find this attractive.
As for dual audio, imo it’s just a waste of space to have a English audio.
Endless Eight on BD, don’t know whether this will be worth archiving :S.
Like Clannad, mine and Cgi will be almost identical. Looking for differences will be like doing an eye exam lol.
Don’t include the dub, waste of space.
Those who want can have the opportunity to download the file separately and mux it themselves.
Or keep it in the 1080p since some more space doesn’t really matter there.
Actually I thought that the English version was quite well done and was quite entertaining. I say, yes, go for dual audio.
No on the dub, unless bundled with the 1080p version. Or not at all.
Dear god, no dual audio. Jap with English Subs are perfectly fine.
Yes to dub.
Also, if you do add the dub, don’t forget the signs & songs sub track, kthx.
i think the English Dub should be a separate audio file connect to the video file that way if you don’t want to have it as English Dub you can just remove the audio form the folder the video is in. In doing this the file plays in Japanese with subs by default but also comes with second version of subs for English Dub which only subs the songs.
I’d be happy if it gets released with dual audio tracks although I won’t mind it at all if it doesn’t. Having dual audio just makes it more watchable (after conversion, of course) on the go such as on my PSP, etc. I think it would be best to release dual audio with 1080p only. The large size would negate the very little size difference between single and dual audio tracks.
I’m curious, about how much would keeping both audio tracks increase the file size for? I can’t imagine someone wanting to download these BD rips to begin with if space is an issue, given how large they will be.
And I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I can’t help but find it a bit funny that many people criticizing the idea of the English track being included bashed all dubs with blanket statements rather than cite any specific examples from the Haruhi dub that make it allegedly bad.
I recommend this:
For the First set of the Blu-ray release: include the English Audio track in a separate torrent:
[Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu 2 [BD-Dual audio]..torrent
[Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu 2 [BD] .. torrent
Then count the number of leechers for the Dual audio version. Then play as the Judge if the number of Dual-Audio Dls surpassed your expectation, then release it for the next BD batches. if not, then cancel the idea.
That’s a good idea.
lol It’s easier if they just start a poll and see the result…