
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.

Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:

  • 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
  • 1280×720 h264 AAC
  • 848×480 h264 AAC

I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.

From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.

I will include multiple subtitle streams:

  • a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
  • a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
  • songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
  • Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.

As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.

I am still taking suggestions. Post away.

Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8

278 comments to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

  • lovetan

    A separate audio track for the English dubs would make everyone happier.
    Don’t want bigger file sizes for no reason? don’t download the extra files.
    Want English dubs? go get the extra dub files.

    if its not possible though, I’m voting for no. I can totally see more people enjoying less file size rather than more enjoying English Dubs.
    One last point – CoalGirls are doing the English Dubs as well, and we all know their file sizes are going to be huge, so instead of 2 huge options I’m all for 1 option which will make those with smaller HDDs happier.


  • Nakiamiir

    Concerning dual-audio, I vote as “not interested in English dubs”.

  • papsi

    Thank you for doing Haruhi. I’m not really satisfied with KyoAni’s decision to release Haruhi prior to Clannad After Story, but that’s only my opition.

    As for your dilemma, I vote against the English dub, not because I dislike the language, but because everything should be watched in its original language, as it was intended. The other main reason against the dub is that anime dubs are so amateurish (animes from Miyazaki are the only exception).

    So don’t bloat the release with cheap and amateurish dubs. If you must include the dub nevertheless, release it as separate audio files.

  • sasuino

    jus separate the english dubs for people who wish to download them..

  • Chan

    I agree with seperating the english dub, since smaller file size is very important to all of us.
    Thanks for all your efforts.

  • Jigsy

    Dubs suck, so no. :3

  • MikeP

    Dual audio please.
    Both the dub and sub are good for Haruhi

  • Jesy Blue

    i’m pretty sure we’re here for the subtitles and the japanese.

  • cero

    Dual-Audio please!!! Some people I know can’t read the subtitles that fast and would prefer a dub. I could go jap dub with english subtitles or english dub.

  • qaz

    No Dual Audio please. Ever.

  • Gyzome

    Dual-audio please. I prefer to have COMPLETE collections, even if that does include dual-audio. Those who download a 1080p should have room to spare anyway.

    Even though I don’t always watch the dubs, I know some people who do (and I share my stuff with them) and it’s usually pleasant as a refreshing experience for a show you know inside-out (except when – and this happens too often – the dubs just suck).

    Those that don’t like it can mux them out.

    Another possibility is to make them available as a patch. It’s rather easy to give sepparate audio tracks and include (a) batch file(s) which contain(s) the mkvmerge command. Hit me up on IRC if you’d like me to make these for you.

    • Lelouch

      I agree, it’s not a complete collection without the dual-audio. And I hate hearing “-everyone-” prefers smaller file sizes; some of us don’t care about huge files. So yeah, people who download 1080p should have room for 1080p.

      • Nikita_Khrushchev

        really dude….even with my crappy internet, i don’t care about the file size ┐(´д`)┌

        it’s all about….”COMPLETENESS”

  • lance

    i agree split off the audio i hate dub as most of it is how to put this it makes my ears bleed file size is always a plus but i download the 1080p ver. it would take up even more to have so just leave it as sub well heres to another anime to be added to my collection still waiting on asobi 1080 as well

  • Narru

    Voting as not interested in english dubbing.

  • Fenel

    Version without dub is better. You can also add extra english audio in separated file (but i don’t need it).

  • Jim Daddy

    Stick all the audio for the dubs in a separate torrent. While most people seem to care less, I’ll be one of the ones to download both the 1080 and the audio for the dubs. I’ll just mux it myself. Not like it’s really hard.

  • wanted45

    Dual audio would be great!.

  • Plau

    Dual audio would be an excellent idea. It will give us a chance to compare.

  • desti

    Well, someone who downloads 1080p anime episodes (including me) shouldn’t brag about a little bigger files due to dual audio. Just make the Japanese track the default one. I hate having to switch to Japanese audio and enabling subtitles for every episode.

    I don’t really care if you include the English audio track or not but why shouldn’t you? Harddisk space is cheap nowadays, hehe.

  • mudduck454

    well since the blu-ray will have english audio, japanese audio, and english subtitles, there is no need to do much, just rip it, and share it, Imyself am considering buying it.

  • Pseudobyte

    As Miyazaki said, “When you watch the subtitled version you are probably missing just as many things. There is a layer and a nuance you’re not going to get. Film crosses so many borders these days. Of course it is going to be distorted.” I rather doubt that a subtitled version is any more “true” than a dub is, unless you speak Japanese, and besides, I thought the dub of this series was pretty well done. If we’re talking about 1080p anyways, an extra audio track is not that significant. At least release the English audio separately for those that are interested.

  • elio

    I vote for no eng dub.

  • Marmalade


    I hate most dubs, but teh suzumiya one is superior (Ok maybe not Miss Asahina’s voice.) But it is a great dub and I like English audio.

  • Keks

    I do care for Dual Audio ^^

  • Buffaloman

    no need to dual audio, imo

  • HaloGuy

    I’d go for NO DUAL AUDIO. You guys can release it with a separate audio file for those who really want it. If they don’t want it in a separate file, they can easily remux it. Thus we won’t have to download extra data, and everyone will be happy.

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