
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.

Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:

  • 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
  • 1280×720 h264 AAC
  • 848×480 h264 AAC

I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.

From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.

I will include multiple subtitle streams:

  • a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
  • a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
  • songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
  • Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.

As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.

I am still taking suggestions. Post away.

Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8

278 comments to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

  • Sorewa

    (sorry for double posting)
    Btw, not all of you have even heard the eng dub and are already complaining about it. I suggest you watch it first before commenting even just a few seconds of it is fine.

    • masa-masa

      it’s based on the fact after long time hearing that dub. Experience said that. And, I expect nothing for English dub.
      e.g. Try watch your beloved NHK ni Youkoso!, you’ll find it as a piece of shit when it’s dubbed. But,it’s only my opinion.

  • dc1293

    I’ll pass, since English dubs are prone to irritate the crap out of me.

  • I’d vote for including the dub. 95% of the time I have a strong dislike for anything dubbed; on the other hand, I didn’t have much of a problem with the dub for Haruhi (perhaps more due to Crispin Freeman than anything else – but that’s a reason too, right? 😀 )

  • ChrissSpirit

    Has any1 heared Higurashi eng dubbed? Lmao, total fail

    Ah and yea, you COULD put the eng dubs in seperate files, for those who want it with eng dub, you don’t have to tho, not many want it and those who want it don’t want it necessarely, so do w/e you want 😉

  • Crimsonisti

    I’d say that don’t include english dub in this. This is an anime so it should be in japanese not in english. Anddsaves filesize to if there is only japanese audio track.

  • ChaelMi

    english dubs as a seperate file is better than a dual-audio release!

  • Meshaal

    Can’t wait ^.^

    • Meshaal

      Also, re dual-audio: I don’t particularly care as long as the Japanese with subs is the default. Nothing irks me more than having to switch off of a dub on a fansubbed release >.<

  • masa-masa

    Don’t really interested to write anything today, actually.
    Anyway, no need to release the English dub. Since, It isn’t needed for most peoples, I guess.
    If you insist in include it, still in the end I’ll remux it agin after remove that english dub.

  • komedy27u

    I do would like a dual audio ver. but I don’t think everybody will… Anyway, I love so much the series that I’ll download every vertion 😀

  • dekar

    DO not include the dub, a very few people will be listening to it and it’s not worth bloating the filesize with another audio stream, especially if it’s FLAC.

    looking forward to the 1280×720 h264 AAC version.

  • ZeroYuki

    The other day I rewatched Shuffle! with the dub because I watched the sub so many times it’s getting predictable. I must say it was a great experience. But a word of caution though, dubs are definitely much more localise than the subs, they change the meaning completely in some cases.

    It’s rather amusing to see Haruhi in dub. I am actually okay with them. There’s also no reason not to include it unless it significantly ups the file size.

  • dna423

    NOO i will have to reconfigure my player to start with the jap audio , or it will auto play the dubs , btw. the moment i hear english dub i i always end up shutting down my computer and taking a shower because i feel tainted ..

  • Star

    I would personally love if you at least made the option to download a dual-audio version available. The Haruhi dub is without a doubt one of the better dubs out there. I’ve watched the first season twice in each language because the dub is just that good. Just the suggestion of having dual-audio blu-ray a.f.k. subs Haruhi makes my mouth water.

  • CaptainKing

    Just my luck, impulse bought series 2 on DVD this morning, saved by the fact that Australia didn’t even get a BD version I suppose.

    Also a vote for Eng. audio track to be a separate download from me, if that’s even possible.

  • kantori

    Dual-audio, with jp as default obviously – Quit complaining of file size in a BD release, sheesh. Glad chronological order will be used, achronologically is too confusing.

  • SU

    I don’t really care about the dub. I’ll never watch it with the dub if i have the original version with subs. So no dub for me, but that’s just my opinion about it.

  • Player697

    track 0 : Japanese
    track 1 : English
    seconded .. =)

    Doki rocks , 😀

  • GoblinTown

    Yes please for dual audio.

  • ArmoredGUY

    Get the dual audio only if EITHER haruhi’s, yuki’s, or mikuru’s voice is supah sexy or supah cute, in that order.

  • Heppy

    I am a horrible stickler when it comes to english dubbing (like 92% of anime i cant stand in english) but I actually LOVE the haruhi series in english. so my vote goes towards dual audio. ^^

  • Nikita_Khrushchev

    Track Zero : Japan

    Second TraXz : Igirishu

    it’s my opinion… 😀

  • Zeronic

    As other have said most Anime dub in english is horrible done. And since the second audio track can add a bit to the file size. I say dump it to the way side.

  • Coconut Sid

    Keep the dubs. There is nothing wrong with having an option. I agree that the original state is the best but having dubs can add replay value to an anime and the Haruhi dubs aren’t bad at all.

  • screw the english dubs.

    i always switch over to japanese and it’s annoying to have to do that every single time.

  • MonChi

    I second the separate audio track for english dubs.

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