
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

The Blu-Rays are out. I am hunting for the BDMVs now.

Subs: a.f.k (For both seasons)
Finalised versions:

  • 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
  • 1280×720 h264 AAC
  • 848×480 h264 AAC

I will be releasing episode by episode, in the order that they appear on the Blu-Ray Disks.

From the comments, the majority of people are in favour of no Dual Audio. In that case, the plan will be to release single audio, however, I will also release the English audio files seperately, and provide a patch for you to mux it in easily. I will provide both FLAC and 192 kbps AAC versions of the English Audio.

I will include multiple subtitle streams:

  • a.f.k subs (Easter name order) + songs/signs [Default]
  • a.f.k subs (original) + songs/signs
  • songs/signs only (use if you mux in the English Audio)
  • Might include the official english subs as well, time permitting.

As Actar suggested, I will rip absolutely everything from the disks. All bonus materials, etc, etc.

I am still taking suggestions. Post away.

Disk 1,2,3,4,5,6 complete.
Downloading 7,8

278 comments to Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (Blu-Ray)

  • Matthew

    No Dual Audio, Anime should be enjoyed in it’s original state(With Subs).

    if people want dubs, the buy the Blu-ray and support them.

  • dc1293

    What Matthew said, anime should be in japanese it’s better that way, and plus its just a waste of space.

  • ReleasedNinja

    Yeah I agree skip the Dual Audio

  • DeltaKen

    Well, I don’t know the quality of Eng dub (it is wrong to exclude it if it made normally – which is rare occasion, of course), but I agree, that all creations should be enjoyed in original (particularly because the original is ALWAYS better). Well I propose the idea to include the Eng dub in file, BUT Original sound must be on default. If the majority will decide not to include Eng dub in file, I will join them.

  • SolarWing

    I would have to say skip the dual audio, most newer dubs aren’t worth listening too, plus the voices don’t seem to suit the character imo.

  • So this is just the first season or all 28 episodes??? *wonders*

    I hate eng dubbed anime … this should give u an answer to ur question 😛

  • Paul

    Please include the dub, those that dont want it can just delete it out. The dub for this is pretty good too.

    • kb

      Or Holo can release the English Audio as a separate file and for those that want it (not many) can mux it in themselves.

      Sorry Paul you’re in the minority and Holo should cater for the majority.

  • arunin

    I see no point in including the eng dub. The English voice actors that anime companies hire to voice-over their anime pretty much universally suck. It’s like they’re reading off a script. And besides, what weeaboo wouldn’t want to hear it in the beautiful Japanese language? 😀

    If you get enough demand for the eng dub, I would suggest releasing it separately as a patch or an audio track to be merged with mkvmerge.

  • Sleepy

    I watched the first season dubbed the first time that I watched it. The dub for this is fairly good. I would vote for including the dub tracks in separate files for those who want them. Heck, you could even put the dub tracks in their own MKVs and just have them pull the video from the main files.

  • aniluv

    Coalgirls is doing dual audio. So Doki should just stick to jap audio. Drop the dub.

  • Elvin21

    Its better to enjoy it on the original state. If the dual audio can be removed, the better. English dubs most of the time is kinda out of sync when played…

  • thewizardninja

    By how much exactly would another audio track bloat the file in each version? I’d be interested in knowing this.

  • IC DeaDPiPoL

    track 0 = japanese
    track 1 = english

  • Invisiblemoose

    The chronology is weird. The 1st season standing along only makes sense if shown “achronologically” i.e. in original airing order as intended. The show goes to hell if you try and watch it “in order” — the pacing and execution that are so perfect when shown as intended totally fail to work when you try and force them into chronology.

    The second season obviously screws with that. The only way I can reconcile it all is to take the first season seriously and recommend (to new viewers) watching it in original airing order as intended — and then, for kicks, go back and watch all of season one and two in chronological order for the amusement value. Might not want to watch endless eight all at once anyhow. <.<

    Anyway! Really looking forward to these releases. I love your BD encodes, still seeding all the KyoAni stuff. Thanks and good luck!

    P.S. The dub is a travesty.

  • thewizardninja

    @Invisible Moose
    I hope you realise they didn’t just re-air it in chronological order. They made a few changes like editing character designs, re-doing lines, a bit of extra footage here and there, actually now I think about it quite a bit was changed.

  • Sbikan622

    no Dual-Audio I want to watch anime I didnt want to watch cartoon

  • Lelouch

    To much hate for dubs, there is nothing wrong with them at all. If you want it in it’s original state learn Japanese and watch it without subs. I have to admit though a lot of dubs do have bad voice actors, but there are good ones like code geass. I would really love to have the dual audio; if you don’t like dubs you can still watch it in Japanese with subs. I’m sure there are some others who would like the dual audio just because too, but if you don’t include dual-audio you basically removing content/features unnecessarily.

  • foozlesprite

    Nooo not dual audio, it kills the disk space!

    Well…after Endless Eight, I guess I might not download it anyways…so whatever! lol

  • hoi

    I haven’t ever heard any good dubs in any language and the little I have heard of dubs for anime, they have all been exceptionally horrible. Not to mention that japanese voice acting is probably the best in the world (at least in my opinion). On top of that I have personal problems with useless audio tracks on files – I rather download the one without. So I would prefer it without dual audio. However I’m not completely against it either, I think the best way would be having those in seperate files and then load ’em with vlc or something.

  • shakah

    Downloading it in blu-ray in jap dub only is already such a big file size. So no dual audio.

  • Varthn

    I prefer to watch anime with subs but some times I more listen to it while I am working on other things and for those rare occasions I like having them dubbed, plus sometimes I get lazy or have a head ache and just dont want to read. I would like to see a dubbed file whether it is integrated or something to download separately so others wont complain about having useless dubs.

  • hanayome

    Nah, no dub. English VAs sound too old for these High School animes. I see now why most animes are about high schools. Maybe because most jap VAs sound like little girls and it’s easier? LOL. Even though i would prefer 720p FLAC, guess I’ll have to grab Coalgirls’ bloating files for this. >_<

  • seyrine

    skip the dual audio, it’ll just bloat the file size and it isn’t as enjoyable as hearing haruhi in Japanese. 😀

    other than that, i’ll be waiting in anticipation.. 🙂

  • Eek

    No dub for me. At least a separate audio file for those who prefers dubbed.

  • Sorewa

    I think you should include the eng dub. I’ve watched the eng version and I could say that it was okay. It might be troublesome for you to remove the dual-audio(and waste of money)anyway. But whatever floats your boat, I just want to say the eng dub was okay compared to other animes

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