Just as a heads up, there will be slight delays with episodes 7 to 9 of Re-Kan! due to me first working at a con and then being out of town. Sometimes RL gets in the way of more important stuff like fansubbing, sorry about that!
In other, unrelated news, as you may have heard, a continuation for Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata was announced a couple of days ago. You can rest assured I will (barring unforeseen circumstances) definitely be picking it up.
720p: [Doki] Re-Kan! - 05 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [310ED5B5].mkv
480p: [Doki] Re-Kan! - 05 (848x480 h264 AAC) [C75ACD2B].mkv
wow, it’s great you consider fanssubbing important. thank you.
just wondering about pripara.
What con ? :3
“slight delays with episodes 7 and 9 of Re-Kan!”
You mean longer than usual? And 7 and 9, but not 8?
What do you mean “longer than usual”? The time it takes to release an episode is always somewhat random due to the various members of the team also having a life to deal with, but this time I know for sure that there’s some delay to begin with, so I’d expect the release time probability distribution to have a higher mean than normal.
If I say 7 and 9, I mean 7 and 9.
Thanks! Comic-con?
Thank you for the episode :).
Inoue was annoying, she screamed too much. I appreciated the parts with Amami’s mother, she is as her. The animation was pretty bad, though.
Inoue still best girl.
Keep the releases coming! Will download this series when everything is released! Cheers!
I know its a different team of people and all but any words on the last ep of Idolmaster?
At this point, the PL has decided we’ll wait for GOIN’!!’s official release so we can use official kana/romaji to finalize the release.
Thanks for episode. Really enjoying the series so far, and warming up to the various characters.
Good news for Saekano, though that was pretty obvious the way S1 ended. Still, great to have confirmation.