So, sorry for the delay again this week. TL fell asleep… for like 4 days. In other news, best episode in a while… probably.
Regarding official lyrics in the karaoke, we’ll do that soon… probably.
As always, shameless Vocalonation plug: @necrophantasia on twitter
And some cosplay pictures from his visit to Toronto.
720p: [Doki] Date a Live - 09 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [4BDF4279].mkv
480p: [Doki] Date a Live - 09 (848x480 h264 AAC) [63B9C0A3].mkv
Finally!! been waiting for this, Thanks for the release
yay! Kurumi! best girl in the history of best girls
Thanks for the release
Thanks for the release, and don’t worry, I’m too with the “probably.”
This show needs more Yoshino! 🙁
Thanks! 😀
No matter how many times I see it. It blows my mind every time when I find out how different the voice actress is compared to a role they played that I was originally familiar with. Yoshino is a complete opposite personality than Haruna from “Kore wa Zombie” and Kurumi’s personality is also a different when compared to Vita from “Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha”. Never would’ve been able to tell it was them if I hadn’t looked it up.
It can be pretty shocking. Gives you a new appreciation of your seiyuu though!
Thanks for the release! I also really love this episode especially kurumi’s psychopathic smile. Weird way to like. 🙂
correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the Archangel’s names spelled “Zaphkiel” and “Camael”? Or did the anime change it to “Zafkiel” and “Carmael”?
The correct one should be:
‘Zafkiel’ and ‘Camael’
Based from the Light Novel.
after a little bit of research apparently “Zaphkiel” and “Zafkiel” are both correct. There are many different spelling for “Zafkiel” I think about 8 different known spelling, but “Camael” is “Camael” there is no other known spelling for “Camael” that I could find.